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Microbiology Publications

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Sampling of Scientific Journals

A small sample of scientific journal articles with hyperlinks to research summaries (within the site and if available) and USGS scientists' profile pages or email addresses.

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Scientific Journal Citations
In Press
link to related project summary Pearce, C.I., S.M. Baesman, J. Switzer Blumemail, J.W. Fellows, and R.S. Oremland. Nanoparticles formed from bacterial oxyanion reduction of toxic Group 15 and 16 metalloids. in Microbial Metal and Metalloid Metabolism: Advances and Applications (J.F. Stolz and R.S. Oremland, eds.), ASM Press, (submitted).
Christina A. Kellogg. Enumeration of viruses and prokaryotes in deep-sea sediments and cold seeps of the Gulf of Mexico. Deep-Sea Research II. 2010. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.05.006 (online abstractExternal link)
link to related project summary Daniel A. Grear, Michael D. Samuel, Kim T. Scribner, Byron V. Weckworth and Julie A. Langenberg. Influence of genetic relatedness and spatial proximity on chronic wasting disease infection among female white-tailed deer. Journal of Applied Ecology 2010; Volume 47 Issue 3, Pages 532 - 540. Journal compilation © 2010 British Ecological Society. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2010.01813.x (online abstractExternal link)
Julie B. Olson & Christina A. Kellogg. Microbial ecology of corals, sponges, and algae in mesophotic coral environments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology; 2010. Volume 73, issue 1, pages 17-30. doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2010.00862.x (online abstractExternal link)
Kamrun Zargar, Shelley Hoeft, Ronald Oremland, and Chad W. Saltikov. July 2010. Identification of a Novel Arsenite Oxidase Gene, arxA, in the Haloalkaliphilic, Arsenite-Oxidizing Bacterium Alkalilimnicola ehrlichii Strain MLHE-1. Journal of Bacteriology: Vol. 192, No. 14, p. 3755–3762. Copyright © 2010, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. doi:10.1128/JB.00244-10 (online abstract and full textExternal link)
link to related project summary Liao, K.S., J. Wang, S. Dias, J. Dewald, N.J. Alley, S. M. Baesman, R.S. Oremland and W.J. Blau, and S.A. Curran. 7 January 2010. Strong non-linear photonic responses from microbiologically synthesized tellurium nanocomposites. Chemical Physics Letters 2010: Volume 484, Issues 4-6, Pages 242-24. doi: 10.1016/j.cplett.2009.11.021 (online abstractExternal link)
Oremland, R.S. Biogeochemistry: NO connection with methane. Nature. 2010 Mar 25;464(7288):500-1. (online abstract and full textExternal link)
link to related project summary P. C. Cross, E. K. Cole, A. P. Dobson, W. H. Edwards, K. L. Hamlin, G. Luikart, A. D. Middleton, B. M. Scurlock, P. J. White (2010) Probable causes of increasing brucellosis in free-ranging elk of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Ecological Applications: Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 278-288. doi: 10.1890/08-2062.1 (online abstractExternal link)
Shelley E. Hoeftemail, Thomas R. Kulp, Sukkyun Han, Brian Lanoil, and Ronald S. Oremland. 2010. Coupled Arsenotrophy in a Hot Spring Photosynthetic Biofilm at Mono Lake, California. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76(14):4633-4639. doi:10.1128/AEM.00545-10 (online abstract and full textExternal link)
Atkinson, CT and LaPointe, DA. Introduced Avian Diseases, Climate Change, and the Future of Hawaiian Honeycreepers. PhDJournal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 23(1):53–63, 2009
link to related project summary Baesman,, J.F. Stolz, and R.S. Oremland. 2009. Enrichment and isolation of Bacillus beveridgei sp. nov., a facultative anaerobic haloalkaliphile from Mono Lake, California that respires oxyanions of tellurium, selenium, and arsenic. Extremophiles 13: 695 - 705. (online abstract of journal articleExternal link)
link to related project summary link to related project summaryBlanchong JA, Heisey DM, Scribner KT, Libants SV, Johnson C, Aiken JM, Langenberg JA, Samuel MD. Genetic susceptibility to chronic wasting disease in free-ranging white-tailed deer: complement component C1q and Prnp polymorphisms. Infect Genet Evol. 2009 Dec;9(6):1329-35. Epub 2009 Aug 31. PMID: 19723593 (online abstractExternal link)
Catherine A. Richter, Maureen K. Wright-Osment, James L. Zajicek, Dale C. Honeyfield, and Donald E. Tillitt. December 2009. Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Assays for a Bacterial Thiaminase I Gene and the Thiaminase-Producing Bacterium Paenibacillus thiaminolyticus. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, vol 21, issue 4, pp 229-238. doi: 10.1577/H07-054.1 (online abstract of journal articleExternal link)
link to related project summary Gaudioso JM, Lapointe DA, Hart PJ. Knemidokoptic Mange in Hawai'i ;Amakihi (Hemignathus virens) on the Island of Hawai'i. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 45(2), 2009, pp. 497–501. (online abstract of journal articleExternal link)
link to related project summary Holloway, J.M., Goldhaber, M.B., Scow, K.M & Drenovsky, R. 2009., Spatial and seasonal variations in mercury methylation and microbial community structure in an historic mercury mining area, Yolo County, California, Chemical Geology (2009), doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2009.03.031
John M. Pearce, Andrew M. Ramey, Paul L. Flint, Anson V. Koehler, Joseph P. Fleskes, J. Christian Franson, Jeffrey S. Hall, Dirk V. Derksen, and Hon S. Ip. 2009. Avian influenza at both ends of a migratory flyway: characterizing viral genomic diversity to optimize surveillance plans for North America. Evolutionary Applications, vol 2, issue 4, pp 457-468. (online abstract of journal article)
Kellogg CA, Lisle JT, Galkiewicz JP (2009) Culture-independent characterization of bacterial communities associated with the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Appl Environ Microbiol.75(8):2294-303
link to related project summary Lapointe DA, Hofmeister EK, Atkinson CT, Porter RE, Dusek RJ. Experimental infection of hawai'i 'amakihi (hemignathus virens) with west nile virus and competence of a co-occurring vector, culex quinquefasciatus: potential impacts on endemic hawaiian avifauna. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 45(2), 2009, pp. 257–271. (online abstract of journal articleExternal link)
link to related project summary Marvin-DiPasquale, M., Lutz, M.A., Brigham, M.E., Krabbenhoft, D.P., Aiken, G.R., Orem, W.H., and Hall, B.D., 2009, Mercury cycling in stream ecosystems: 2. Benthic methylmercury production and bed sediment-pore water partitioning: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 43, p. 2726-2732.
link to related project summary link to related project summaryPearce, C.I., R.A.D. Pattrick, N. Law, J.M. Charnock, V.S. Coker,W. Fellowes, R.S. Oremland and J.R. Lloyd. 2009. Investigating different mechanisms for biogenic selenite transformations: Geobacter sulfurreducens, Shewanella oneidensis and Veillonella atypica. Environmental Technology 30:12,1313 — 12,1326, doi: 10.1080/09593330902984751 (online abstract of journal articleExternal link)
link to related project summary
link to related project summarylink to related project summaryRichey, C., P. Chovanec, S. Hoeftemail, R.S. Oremland, P. Basu, and J. F. Stolz. 2009. Respiratory arsenate reductase as a bidirectional enzyme. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 382: 298 - 302.
link to related project summary
link to related project summarylink to related project summaryR.S. Oremland, F. Wolfe-Simonemail, C.W. Saltikov, and J.F. Stolz. 2009. Arsenic in the evolution of earth and extraterrestrial ecosystems. Geomicrobiology Journal,26:7,522 — 536, doi: 10.1080/01490450903102525 (on-line abstract of journal articleExternal link)
Robertson, LS, Iwanowicz, LR, and Marranca, JM. Identification of centrarchid hepcidins and evidence that 17β-estradiol disrupts constitutive expression of hepcidin-1 and inducible expression of hepcidin-2 in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, Volume 26, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 898-907. (online abstract of journal articleExternal link)
link to related project summary
link to related project summarylink to related project summarySwitzer Blum,, S. Han, Brian Lanoil, C. Saltikov, B. Witte, F. R. Tabita, S. Langley, T. J. Beveridge, John F. Stolz, L. Jahnke and R.S. Oremland. 2009. Halarsenatibacter silvermanii strain SLAS-1T, gen. nov., sp. nov., ecophysiology of an extremely halophilic, facultative chemo-autotrophic arsenate-respirer of the Halanaerobiales isolated from Searles Lake, California. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 75: 1950 - 1960.
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link to related project summarylink to related project summarySun, W., R. Sierra-Alvarez, L. Milner, R.S. Oremland, and J.A. Field. Arsenite and ferrous iron oxidation linked to chemolithotrophic denitrification for the immobilization of arsenic in anoxic environments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45: 6585 - 6591. (online abstract of journal articleExternal link)
link to related project summary Windham-Myers, L., M. Marvin-DiPasquale, D.P. Krabbenhoft, J.L. Ageeemail, M.H. Coxemail, P. Heredia-Middleton, C. Coates, and E. Kakourosemail. 2009. Experimental removal of wetland emergent vegetation leads to decreased methylmercury production in surface sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research 114, G00C05, doi:10.1029/2008JG000815
link to related project summary Engle,, Tate,, Krabbenhoft, D.P., Kolker, A., Olson, M.L., Edgerton, E.S., DeWild, J.F., and McPherson, A.K., 2008, Characterization and cycling of atmospheric mercury along the central U.S. Gulf of Mexico Coast, Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008), pp. 419–437. (online pdf file, 1728 KBAcrobat)
Emmenegger EJ, Kurath G. DNA vaccine protects ornamental koi (Cyprinus carpio koi) against North American spring viremia of carp virus. Vaccine. 2008 Nov 25;26(50):6415-21. (on-line abstract of journal articleExternal link)
link to related project summary G. S. Gohn, C. Koeberl, K. G. Miller, W. U. Reimold, J. V. Browning, C. S. Cockell, J. W. Horton, Jr., T. Kenkmann, A. A. Kulpecz, D. S. Powars, W. E. Sanford email, and M. A. Voytek. Deep Drilling into the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure. Science 27 June 2008: 1740-1745.
link to related project summary Hall, B.D., Aiken, G.R., Krabbenhoft, D.P., Marvin-DiPasquale, M., and Swarzenski,, 2008, Wetlands as principal zones of methylmercury production in southern Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico region; Environmental Pollution, v. 154, no. 1, p. 124-134. (online abstract of journal articleExternal link)
link to related project summary Jones, EJP, MA Voytek, PD Warwickemail, MD Corum, A Cohn, JE Bunnellemail , AC Clarkemail, WH Orem, 2008. Bioassay for estimating the biogenic methane-generating potential of coal samples. J. Coal Geology 76: 138-150
link to related project summary
link to related project summarylink to related project summaryKulp, T.R., S. E. Hoeftemail, M. Asao, M. T. Madigan, J. T. Hollibaugh, J. C. Fisher, J.F. Stolz, C.W. Culbertson, L.G. Miller, and R.S. Oremland. 2008. Arsenic(III) fuels anoxygenic photosynthesis in hot spring biofilms from Mono Lake, California. Science 321: 967 - 970.
link to related project summary Mark R. Stanton, Pamela A. Gemery-Hill, Wayne C. Shanks III, and Cliff D. Taylor, 2008, Rates of zinc and trace metal release from dissolving sphalerite at pH 2.0 - 4.0. Applied Geochemistry, v. 23, p. 136-147
link to related project summary Maureen K. Purcell, Anthony L. Murray, Anna Elz, Linda K. Park, Susan V. Marcquenski, James R. Winton, Stewart W. Alcorn, Ronald J. Pascho, and Diane G. Elliott. Decreased Mortality of Lake Michigan Chinook Salmon after Bacterial Kidney Disease Challenge: Evidence for Pathogen-Driven Selection? Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 2008; 20:225-235. (online abstract of journal articleExternal link)
link to related project summary Miller, L.G., and Oremland, R.S., 2008, Electricity generation by anaerobic bacteria and anoxic sediments from hypersaline soda lakes: Extremophiles, v. 12, no. 6, p. 837-848. doi: 10.1007/s00792-008-0191-5. (online abstract of journal articleExternal link)
link to related project summary Muths, E., D.S. Pilliod, and L.J. Livo. 2008. Distribution and environmental limitations of an amphibian pathogen in the Rocky Mountains, USA. Biological Conservation, 141:1484-1492.
link to related project summary Oremland, R.S., and Voytek, M.A., 2008, Acetylene as fast food: Implications for development of life on anoxic primordial Earth and in the outer solar system: Astrobiology, v. 8, no. 1, p. 45-58 (online abstractExternal link)
link to related project summary Panek, F.M., J. Atkinson and J. Coll. 2008. Pathogens associated with trout populations in Shenandoah National Park and the relationships to fish stocking practices. Proceedings of the Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 62: 131-135. (online proceedings, PDFAcrobat, 143 KB)
link to related project summary Schäfer, H., Miller, L.G., Oremland, R.S., and Murrell, J.C., 2007, Bacterial cycling of methyl halides: Advances in Applied Microbiology, v. 61, p. 307-346.
link to related project summary Schuster,, Shanley, J.B., Marvin-DiPasquale, M., Reddy, M.M., Aiken, G., Roth, D.A., Taylor, H.E., Krabbenhoft, D.P., and DeWild, J.F., 2008, Mercury and organic carbon dynamics during runoff episodes from a Northeastern USA watershed: Water Air and Soil Pollution, v. 187, p. 89-108.
link to related project summary Starliper, C. E., R. J. Neves, S. Hanlon, and P. Whittington. 2008. A survey of the indigenous microbiota (Bacteria) in three species of mussels from the Clinch and Holston Rivers, Virginia. Journal of Shellfish Research. 27(5): 1311-1317.
link to related project summary Starliper, C. E. 2008. Recovery of a fish pathogenic bacterium, Aeromonas salmonicida, from ebonyshell mussels Fusconaia ebena using non-destructive sample collection procedures. Journal of Shellfish Research. 27(4): 775-782.
Troyer RM, Garver, KA, Ranson JC, Wargo AR, and Kurath G. In vivo virus growth competition assays demonstrate equal fitness of fish rhabdovirus strains that co-circulate in aquaculture. Virus Res. 2008 Nov;137(2):179-88. (on-line abstract of journal articleExternal link)
link to related project summary Whitman, R. L., K. Przybyla-Kelly, D. A. Shively, M. B. Nevers, and M. N. Byappanahalli. 2008. Sunlight, season, snowmelt, storm, and source affect E. coli populations in an artificially ponded stream. Science of the Total Environment 390:448-455.
link to related project summary Baesman,, T.D. Bullen, J. Dewald, D. H. Zhang, S. Curran, F. S. Islam, T. J. Beveridge, and R.S. Oremland. 2007. Formation of tellurium nanocrystals during anaerobic growth of bacteria that use Te oxyanions as respiratory electron acceptors. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73: 2135 – 2143. (online abstract and full textExternal link)
Bunnell, Tatu, Lerch, Orem, W.H., and Pavlovic, N., 2007, Evaluating Nephrotoxicity of High-Molecular-Weight Organic Compounds in Drinking Water from Lignite Aquifers: Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 70: 2089-2091.
link to related project summary
link to related project summarylink to related project summaryHoeft,, J. Switzer Blumemail, J.F. Stolz, F. R. Tabita, B. Witte, G.M. King, J.M. Santini, and R.S. Oremland. 2007. Alkalilimnicola ehlichii, sp. nov., a novel, arsenite-oxidizng haloalklapihilic γ-Proteobacterium capable of chemoautotrophic or heterotrophic growth with nitrate or oxygen as the electron acceptor. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 57: 504 - 512.
link to related project summary Kirshtein J.D., Anderson C.W., Wood J.S., Longcore J.E., and Voytek M.A., 2007, Quantitative PCR detection of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis DNA from sediments and water: Diseases of Aquatic Organisms v. 77 p.11-15.
link to related project summary
link to related project summarylink to related project summaryKulp, T.R., S. Han, C. Saltikov, B. Lanoil, K. Zargar, and R.S. Oremland. 2007. Effects of imposed salinity gradients on dissimilatory arsenate-reduction, sulfate-reduction, and other microbial processes in sediments from two California soda lakes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73: 5130 - 5137.
link to related project summary Reisen, William K. and Caldwell Hahn. Comparison of Immune Responses of Brown-Headed Cowbird and Related Blackbirds to West Nile and Other Mosquito-Borne Encephalitis Viruses. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 43(3), 2007, pp. 439-449. (online abstract of articleExternal link)
Bunnell, Tatu, Bushon R.N., Stoeckel D.M., Brady A.M.G., Beck M., Lerch, McGee B., Hanson B.C., Shi R., and Orem, W.H., 2006, Possible Linkages Between Lignite Aquifers, Pathogenic Microbes, and Renal Pelvic Cancer in Northwestern Louisiana, U.S.A.: Environmental Geochemistry and Health, v. 28, pp. 577-587. (online PDF file, 359 KB)
link to related project summary Byappanahalli, M. N., R. L. Whitman, D. A. Shively, M. J. Sadowsky, and S. Ishii. 2006. Population structure, persistence, and seasonality of autochthonous Escherichia coli in temperate, coastal forest soil from a Great Lakes watershed. Environmental Microbiology 8:504-513.
link to related project summary Jones, E.J.P., Voytek, M.A., Lorah, M.M., and Kirshtein, J.D., 2006, Characterization of a microbial consortium capable of rapid and simultaneous dechlorination of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and chlorinated ethane and ethene intermediates: Bioremediation Journal, v. 10, p. 153-168.
link to related project summary
link to related project summarylink to related project summaryKulp, T.R., S.E. Hoeftemail, L.G. Miller, C. Saltikov, J. Nilsen, S. Han, B. Lanoil, and R.S. Oremland. 2006. Dissimilatory arsenate- and sulfate-reduction in sediments of two hypersaline, arsenic-rich soda lakes: Mono and Searles Lakes, California. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72: 6514 - 6526.
link to related project summary
link to related project summarylink to related project summaryLloyd, J.R. and R.S. Oremland. 2006.  Microbial transformations of arsenic in the environment: From soda lakes to aquifers. Elements 2: 85 - 90.
link to related project summary Panek, F.M. and T. Bobo. 2006. Zoonotic fish disease and adaptive fishery management: Considerations from striped bass (Morone saxatilis) from the Chesapeake Bay. Proceedings of the Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 60: 140-144. (online proceedings, PDFAcrobat, 527 KB)
link to related project summary link to related project summarylink to related project summarylink to related project summaryStolz, J.F., P. Basu, J.M. Santini and R.S. Oremland. 2006. Arsenic and selenium in microbial metabolism. Ann. Rev. Microbiology 60: 107 – 130.
link to related project summary Whitman, R. L., M. B. Nevers, and M. N. Byappanahalli. 2006. Examination of the watershed-wide distribution of Escherichia coli along southern Lake Michigan: An integrated approach. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72:7301-7310.
link to related project summary
link to related project summarylink to related project summaryOremland, R.S., and J.F. Stolz. 2005. Arsenic, microbes, and contaminated aquifers. Trends in Microbiology 13: 45 - 49.
link to related project summary
link to related project summarylink to related project summaryOremland, R.S., T.R. Kulp, J. Switzer Blumemail, S.E. Hoeftemail, S. Baesman, L.G. Miller, and J.F. Stolz. 2005. A microbial arsenic cycle in a salt-saturated, extreme environment. Science 308: 1305 – 1308.
link to related project summary Starliper, C.E. 2005. Quarantine of Aeromonas salmonicida-harboring ebonyshell mussels (Fusconaia ebena) prevents transmission of the pathogen to brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Journal of Shellfish Research. 24(2):573-578.
link to related project summary
link to related project summarylink to related project summaryHoeft,, T.R. Kulp, J.F. Stolz, J.T. Hollibaugh, and R.S. Oremland. 2004. Dissimilatory arsenate reduction with sulfide as the electron donor: Experiments with Mono Lake water and isolation of strain MLMS-1, a chemoautotrophic arsenate-respirer. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70: 2741 - 2747.
link to related project summary link to related project summarylink to related project summaryKulp, T.R., S.E. Hoeftemail, and R.S. Oremland. 2004. Redox transformations of arsenic oxyanions in periphyton communities. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70: 6428 - 6434.
link to related project summary link to related project summaryOremland, R.S., Herbel, M.J., J. Switzer Blumemail, S. Langley, T.J. Beveridge, T. Sutto, P.M. Ajayan, A. Ellis, and S. Curran. 2004. Structural and spectral features of selenium nanospheres formed by Se-respiring bacteria. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 70: 52 - 60. (online abstract and full textExternal link)
link to related project summary link to related project summarylink to related project summaryOremland, R.S., J.F. Stolz, and J.T. Hollibaugh. 2004. The microbial arsenic cycle in Mono Lake, California. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 48: 15 - 27.
link to related project summary Rhodes, M.W., H. Kator, I. Kaattari, D. Gauthier, W. Vogelbein, and C.A. Ottinger. 2004. Isolation and characterization of mycobacteria from striped bass Morone saxatilis from the Chesapeake Bay. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 61: 41–51. (online articleExternal link)
Bunnell, S. D. Price, A. Das, T. M. Shields, and G. E. Glass. Geographic information systems and spatial analysis of adult Ixodes scapularis (Acari:Ixodidae) in the Middle Atlantic region of the U. S.A. J. Med. Entomol 2003. 40:570–576. (online PDF file, 2999 KB)
link to related project summary Byappanahalli, M., M. Fowler, D. Shively, and R. Whitman. 2003. Ubiquity and persistence of Escherichia coli in a midwestern coastal stream. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69:4549-4555.
link to related project summary link to related project summaryHerbel, M.J., J. Switzer Blumemail, S. Borglin, and R.S. Oremland. 2003. Reduction of elemental selenium to selenide: Experiments with anoxic sediments and bacteria that respire Se-oxyanions. Geomicrobiol. J. 20: 587 - 602.
link to related project summary Miller, L.G., Baesman,, and Oremland, R.S., 2003, Bioreactors for removing methyl bromide following contained fumigations: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 37, no. 8, p. 1698-1704. (online abstract or online pdf file)
link to related project summary Oremland, R.S., 2003, Biodegradation of atmospheric halocarbons, in Haggblom, M.M., and Bossert, I.D., eds., Dehalogenation: Microbial Processes and Environmental Applications: Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p. 323-345.
link to related project summary
link to related project summarylink to related project summaryOremland, R.S., and J.F. Stolz. 2003. The ecology of arsenic. Science 299: 939 - 944. Afkar, E., J. Lisak, C. Saltikov, P. Basu, R.S. Oremland, and J.F. Stolz. 2003. The respiratory arsenate reductase from Bacillus selenitireducens strain MLS10. FEMS Microbiology Lett. 226: 107 - 112.
link to related project summary
link to related project summarylink to related project summaryHerbel, M.J., J. Switzer Blumemail, S.E. Hoeftemail, S.M. Cohen, L.L. Arnold, J. Lisak, J.F. Stolz, and Oremland, R.S.. 2002. Dissimilatory arsenate reductase activity and arsenate-respiring bacteria in bovine rumen fluid, hamster feces, and the termite hindgut. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 41: 59 – 67.
link to related project summary link to related project summarylink to related project summaryOremland, R.S., S.E. Hoeftemail, N. Bano, R.A. Hollibaugh, and J.T. Hollibaugh. 2002 Anaerobic oxidation of arsenite in Mono Lake water and by a facultative, arsenite-oxidizing chemoautotroph, strain MLHE-1. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68: 4795 – 4802.
link to related project summary link to related project summarylink to related project summaryOremland, R.S., D.K. Newman, B.W. Kail, and J.F. Stolz. 2001. Bacterial respiration of arsenate and its significance in the environment. p. 273 – 296 in W.T. Frankenberger Jr. (ed), Environmental Chemistry of Arsenic, Marcel Dekker, New York.
link to related project summary Switzer Blum,, J.F. Stolz, A. Oren, and R.S. Oremland. 2001. Selenihalanaerobacter shriftii gen. nov., sp. nov., a halophilic anaerobe from Dead Sea sediments that respires selenate. Arch. Microbiol. 175: 208 - 219. (on-line abstract)
link to related project summary Herbel, M.J., T.M. Johnson, R.S. Oremland, and T.D. Bullen. 2000. Fractionation of selenium isotopes during bacterial respiratory reduction of selenium oxyanions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64: 3701 – 3709. (on-line abstract)
link to related project summary link to related project summarylink to related project summaryOremland, R.S., and J.F. Stolz. 2000. Dissimilatory reduction of selenate and arsenate in nature. p. 199 – 224 In D.R. Lovley (ed) Environmental Metal-Microbe Interaction, Amer. Soc. Microbiology Press, Washington, D.C.
link to related project summary link to related project summarylink to related project summaryOremland, R.S., P.R. Dowdle, S.E. Hoeftemail, J.O. Sharp, J.K. Schaefer, L.G. Miller, J. Switzer Blumemail, R.L. Smith, N.S. Bloom, and D. Wallschlaeger. 2000. Bacterial dissimilatory reduction of arsenate and sulfate in meromictic Mono Lake, California. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64: 3073 – 3084.
link to related project summary link to related project summarylink to related project summaryZobrist, J., P.R. Dowdle, J.A. Davis, and R.S. Oremland. 2000. Mobilization of arsenite by dissimilatory reduction of adsorbed arsenate. Environ. Sci. Technol. 34: 4747 - 4753.
link to related project summary Oremland, R.S., J.S. Blumemail, A. Burns Bindi, P.R. Dowdle, M. Herbel, and J.F. Stolz. 1999. Simultaneous reduction of nitrate and selenate by cell suspensions of Se-respiring bacteria. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65: 4385 - 4392. (on-line abstract and full text External link)
link to related project summary Schaefer, J.K., and Oremland, R.S., 1999, Oxidation of methyl halides by the facultative methylotroph, strain IMB-1: Appl. Environ. Microbiol., v. 65, p. 5035-5041. (on-line abstractExternal link)
link to related project summary Stolz, J.F., and R.S. Oremland. 1999. Bacterial respiration of selenium and arsenic. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 23: 615 - 627. (on-line abstract External link)
link to related project summary link to related project summarylink to related project summaryStolz, J.F., and R.S. Oremland. 1999. Bacterial respiration of selenium and arsenic. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 23: 615 - 627.
link to related project summary
link to related project summarylink to related project summarylink to related project summaryStolz, J.F., D.J. Ellis, J. Switzer Blumemail, D. Ahmann, R.S. Oremland, and D.R. Lovley.  1999. Sulfurospirillum barnesii sp. nov., Sulfurospirillum arsenophilus sp. nov., and the Sulfurospirillum clade in the Epsilon Proteobacteria. Int. J. Systematic Bacteriol. 49: 1177 - 1180.
link to related project summary Connell Hancock, T.L., Costello, A.M., Lidstrom, M.E., and Oremland, R.S. 1998. Strain IMB-1, a novel bacterium for the removal of methyl bromide in fumigated agricultural soils. Appl. and Environm. Microbiol., vol. 64, 2899-2905.
link to related project summary Dowdle, P.R., and R.S. Oremland. 1998. Microbial oxidation of elemental selenium in soils and bacterial cultures. Environ. Sci. Technol. 32: 3749 – 3755.
link to related project summary link to related project summarylink to related project summarylink to related project summarySwitzer Blum,, A. Burns Bindi, J. Buzzelli, J.F. Stolz, and R.S. Oremland. 1998. Bacillus arsenicoselenatis sp. nov., and Bacillus selenitireducens sp. nov. : two haloalkaliphiles from Mono Lake, California which respire oxyanions of selenium and arsenic. Arch. Microbiol. 171: 19 – 30.
link to related project summary Miller, L.G., Connell, T.L., Guidetti, J.R., and Oremland, R.S. 1997. Bacterial oxidation of methyl bromide in fumigated agricultural soils. Appl. and Environm. Microbiol., vol. 63, 4346-4354.
link to related project summary Panek, F.M. 1997. Threats, risks and promises: Challenges for trout manage­ment in the twenty-first century. Fisheries 22(6): 24–26. (online articleExternal link)
link to related project summary link to related project summarylink to related project summaryStolz, J.F., T. Gugliuzza, J. Switzer Blumemail, R.S. Oremland, and F.M. Murillo. 1997. Differential expression of cytochromes and reductases in Geospirillum barnesii strain SES3. Arch. Microbiol. 167: 1-5.
link to related project summary link to related project summarylink to related project summaryDowdle, P.R., A.M. Laverman, and R.S. Oremland. 1996. Bacterial dissimilatory reduction of arsenic (V) to arsenic (III) in anoxic sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62: 1664 - 1669.
link to related project summary link to related project summarylink to related project summaryLaverman, A.M., J. Switzer Blumemail, J.K. Schaeffer, E.J. Philips, D.R. Lovley, and R.S. Oremland. 1995. Growth of strain SES-3 with arsenate and other diverse electron acceptors. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61: 3556 - 3561.
link to related project summary Oremland, R.S., J. Switzer Blumemail, C.W. Culbertson, P.T. Visscher, L.G. Miller, P. Dowdle, and F.E. Strohmaier. 1994. Isolation, growth and metabolism of an obligately anaerobic, selenate-respiring bacterium, strain SES-3. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60: 3011 - 3019.
link to related project summary Oremland, R.S., Miller, L.G., Culbertson, C.W., Connell, T.L., and Jahnke, L.L. 1994. Degradation of methyl bromide by methanotrophic bacteria in cell suspensions and soils. Appl. and Environm. Microbiol., vol. 60, 3640-3646.
link to related project summary Oremland, R.S., N.A. Steinberg, A.S. Maest, L.G. Miller, and J.T. Hollibaugh.  1990.  Measurement of in situ rates of selenate removal by dissimilatory bacterial reduction in sediments.  Env. Sci. Technol. 24:  1157-1164.
link to related project summary Steinberg, N.A. and R.S. Oremland.  1990.  Dissimilatory selenate reduction potentials in a diversity of sediment types.  Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 56:  3550-3557.
link to related project summary Oremland, R.S., J.T. Hollibaugh, A.S. Maest, T.S. Presser, L. Miller, and C. Culbertson.  1989.  Selenate reduction to elemental selenium by anaerobic bacteria in sediments and culture:  Biogeochemical significance of a novel, sulfate-independent respiration.  Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 55:  2333-2343. (online abstract and full textExternal link)

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