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Nevada Site Office Current Film Library

A large number of films depicting historical as well as current activities of the Nevada National Security Site are available to the public on our YouTube page.

Historical Nuclear Weapons Test Films

The Department of Energy, in cooperation with the Department of Defense, declassified a series of historical films on the nuclear weapons program. They were converted to videotape format to help preserve the films and to facilitate the declassification and release process. These films document the history of the development of nuclear weapons, starting with the first bomb tested at Trinity Site in southeastern New Mexico in July 1945. This is the first time the films have ever been edited for declassification and public release. (Portions of some of these films were previously released.)

The project was being carried out in conjunction with the Department of Energy's Albuquerque Operations Office, the Department of Energy's Office of Defense Programs, and the Department of Defense. The purpose of the project is to preserve and declassify the information contained in the large collection of films on the nuclear weapons program that are at various sites on Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Department of Energy and the Department of Defense have identified numerous films that document the early history of the nuclear weapons program, principally its nuclear weapons testing program. It is anticipated it will take the Department of Energy 5 to 7 years to complete. Annual funding for this effort will be based upon the public’s expressed interest.

Throughout the nuclear era, the various agencies of the Federal Government documented their activities on celluloid film. The films were used for various purposes including providing information to the public, training, and for analysis of the effects of the weapons tests. Many of these films have been lost or destroyed. Others have been stored under conditions less than ideal for preservation. The DOE’s Albuquerque Operations Office is currently engaged in transferring these old, deteriorating films, many of which are marked as classified, to digital data (Betacam) and stored on videotapes to capture the information before it is lost.

The Historical Nuclear Weapons Test films which have been declassified can be ordered from the Nuclear Testing Archive for a fee. Use the Historical Test Film Order Form to order historical films.

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Date Last Modified: April 25, 2012