National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Department of Commerce


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Attention Metop users::
All Metop-B level 1b satellite data is now publicly available from January 15, 2013 to current. Data collected prior to that date remains restricted. Please contact the CLASS Help Desk if assistance to order the data is needed.
Published:   2013-01-15 13:38:41.0

Attention CORS users:
The National Geodetic Survey's CORS data is now available for ordering from the CLASS archive. Older data are currently in the process of being migrated from the NGDC archive to CLASS. While every effort is made to retain data in the original at-sampling rate, there may be cases where only the 30-second decimated rate data exists. For more details select 'Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS)' from the product drop down menu and click on Go.
Published:   2013-01-14 21:13:45.0

Attention Suomi NPP Users:
The most recent global NPP operational products are now available in daily tar files for quick and easy downloads at: Please see the NPP help page for instructions. Up to the most recent 90 days of data will be available for direct online access.
Published:   2012-09-10 18:07:54.0

Attention CLASS USERS:
CLASS will upgrade its system to version 6.0 on July 10, from 1400 UTC - 1800 UTC. During this time CLASS web sites and ftp delivery areas will not be available and orders will not be processed.
Published:   2012-07-03 14:55:00.0

Tutorial for ordering Suomi NPP data in CLASS:
A tutorial for ordering data through CLASS can be found at Data Access. The tutorial references Suomi NPP data but is applicable to all data types. If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
Published:   2012-05-03 03:27:54.0

Suomi NPP data access status:
Below is a list of S-NPP products released to the public and now available through CLASS. The complete list of products along with the begin dates of product availability are located on the Suomi NPP FAQ page. The remaining NPP products will be released to the user community over a time frame of several months. Please note that all newly released products are at 'Beta' maturity level as defined in the Product Maturity Level page. Details of high priority issues related to the data quality are contained in the Readme files provided by the NPP Project Scientist. Please read these before ordering and using the data!

   Readme for released S-NPP ATMS SDR data

    Readme for released S-NPP CrIS SDR data

    Readme Readme for released S-NPP CrIMSS EDR data

    Readme for released S-NPP OMPS Nadir Ozone Profile data
    Readme for released S-NPP OMPS SDR data

    Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Active Fires ARP data
    Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) EDR data
    Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Cloud Mask IP data
    Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Non-NCC Imagery EDR data
    Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS SDR data

Published:   2012-05-03 01:27:54.0