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Our Goal is to Cut Spending - Not Shut Down the Government (Springfield News-Leader 2/26/11)


As one of the eighty-seven Freshman Republicans in the 112th Congress of the United States, I’d like to report we’re doing our part to reduce an unsustainable spending level.


While we worked past midnight two nights last week and finished with a vote at 4:30AM on Saturday, our effort will be like throwing a deck chair off the Titanic.? With a staggering 1.6 trillion dollar annual deficit, reducing our spending by 100 billion dollars was the least we could do.


In my office we received 1,024 letters or emails last week alone.? Most everyone is in agreement that we have to stop spending and stop spending now with one little caveat.? What’s the caveat?? Cut spending but don’t touch my program.? It doesn’t matter what the program is as everyone has their sacred cow.


When the stimulus package was passed two years ago, I said then the only thing it would stimulate would be the national debt and it appears those words were very prophetic.? The stimulus was suppose to create or save 3.5 million jobs, but since passage we’ve lost 2.5 million jobs nationwide.


To paraphrase Bette Davis “Fasten your seatbelt it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”? You’ll hear all sorts of Wheeling and Dealing and posturing next week as we work to right a listing ship.? As we navigate uncharted waters, you need to understand many Washington insiders have already purchased their cheerleading outfits hoping for a government shutdown.


Please remember one thing ­ our goal is to cut spending ­ not to shut down government!