
Foxx on Dec. Jobelss Report: Debt Stands as a Barrier to the Economic Growth America Needs

Debt Stands as a Barrier to the Economic Growth America Needs

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, R-NC, today issued the following statement on the release of December’s jobless statistics: 

“It is disappointing to see yet another month of paltry job growth in this country affecting the lives of millions of un and underemployed Americans. In my home state, North Carolinians looking for work continue to face a real challenge as our state unemployment rate, above 9%, far exceeds the national average. 

“The country’s catastrophic national debt stands as a barrier to the economic growth Americans in the job market so desperately need. It is time for the President to get serious about reforming the spending addiction that has landed the country $16.4 trillion dollars in the red.”

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