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Asbestos Electronic Docket

We are providing PDF versions of public comments involved in the rule making process for Diesel Particulate Matter Exposure of Underground Metal and Nonmetal Miners (ANPRM 02-24370). These documents may be searched for using our search tool. Below, you will also find a list commenters. There are links to each of the files as well.

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Diesel Particulate Matter Exposure of Underground
Metal and Nonmetal Miners
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(RIN 1219-AB29)

File Commenter Date Received
AB29-Comm-01 Gene Davis (Labor Representative-UMWA) 11/22/2002
AB29-Comm-02 Center for Progressive Regulation 11/22/2002
AB29-Comm-03 MARG Diesel Coalition 11/22/2002
AB29-Comm-04 Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Company 11/22/2002
AB29-Comm-05 Nevada Mining Association 11/25/2002
AB29-Comm-06 United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) 11/25/2002
AB29-Comm-07 National Mining Association 11/25/2002
AB29-Comm-08 Placer Dome America (submitted on behalf of (Getchell Gold Corporation) 11/25/2002
AB29-Comm-09 National Lime Association 11/25/2002
AB29-Comm-10 Stillwater Mining Company 11/25/2002
AB29-Comm-11 National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association 11/25/2002
AB29-Comm-12 American Society of Safety Engineers 11/25/2002
AB29-Comm-13 NIOSH 11/25/2002
AB29-Comm-14 Newmont Mining Corporation 11/25/2002
AB29-Comm-15 United Steelworkers of America 11/25/2002
AB29-Comm-16 Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA) 11/25/2002
AB29-Comm-17 Various Individuals 11/25/2002
AB29-Comm-18 Anthony Robbins 11/25/2002