Feb 15, 2013 Issues: Tax Reform


Reed to participate on Energy, Manufacturing, Education and Family Benefits, and Real Estate working groups 

Rep. Tom Reed will take part in a number of tax reform working groups announced by Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp and Ranking Member Sandy Levin. Reed will participate on four of the eleven working groups: Energy, Manufacturing, Education and Family Benefits, and Real Estate 

“Taxpayers are spending a collective 6.1 billion hours each year trying to comply with the 70,000-page tax code," said Reed. "We need to simplify the code so that it is easier for families and small businesses to comply with tax law. Comprehensive tax reform will allow our small businesses to continue creating jobs and ensure that we stay competitive in this global economy. These working groups will provide the Committee with valuable information it needs to move forward with comprehensive tax reform."

"Rep. Reed is dedicated to comprehensive tax reform in order to provide a simpler and fairer tax code for American families and small businesses,” Chairman Dave Camp said. “I know he will bring significant experience and knowledge to these working groups."

The 11 working groups are responsible for reviewing current law and compiling feedback from stakeholders, academics and think tanks, practitioners, the general public and fellow Members on the working group’s overall topic. Each group’s findings will be reported back to the full Ways and Means Committee. 

The House Ways and Means Committee has broad jurisdiction over many issues including tax policy, trade, health care, and Social Security. Congressman Reed was named to the Committee on Ways and Means in 2011.
