Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis
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March 5 Events

Mar 5 OLMS-Compliance Assistance Seminar, Dallas, TX.
The OLMS Dallas District Office will conduct a compliance assistance seminar for union officials, union attorneys, union accountants, and other interested parties. The topics will include overview of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, union officer elections, financial recordkeeping, and EFS (electronic forms system), Forms LM-2/3/4. Please note, registration for the seminar begins at 8:00 am.
Mar 5 OFCCP-Preparing Small and New Supply and Service Contractors for an OFCCP Audit and Outreach Best Practices , Richmond, VA.
The Richmond District Office will host a seminar for small and new supply and service contractors to provide information on the components of written affirmative action programs as required by Executive Order 11246, as amended, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended. The seminar will also address how to execute positive outreach and recruitment of minorities, females, veterans and individuals with  disabilities for hiring opportunities

Later This Month

Mar 6 OLMS-Compliance Assistance Seminar, Monroe, OH.
Mar 6 OFCCP- Preparing Small and New Supply and Service Contractors for an OFFCP Audit., Pittsburgh, PA.
Mar 6 OFCCP: Good faith efforts, exceptional results!, San Francisco, CA.
Mar 6 Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory Program Public Forum , Washington, DC.
Mar 6 AHEAD: Alliances Helping Employers Achieve Diversity, San Antonio, TX.
Mar 7 OFCCP - Maintaining Applicant Flow Data, Omaha, NE.
Mar 7 Women in Nontraditional Jobs/ The Complaint Process, Columbus, OH.
Mar 7 Getting It Right - Know Your Fiduciary Responsibilities Seminar, San Francisco, CA.
Mar 12 Construction - Nuts and Bolts, Dallas, TX.
Mar 13 Health Benefits Laws Compliance Assistance Seminar, Baton Rouge, LA.
Mar 14 OFCCP - Preparing Small and New Supply and Service Contractors for an OFFCP Audit, Philadelphia, PA.
Mar 19 OFCCP- Connecting the Dots- Outreach Obligations of Federal Contractors, Richmond, VA.
Mar 19 Preparing for Construction Contractors for Audit and Meeting Utilization Goals for Females and Minorities, Philadelphia, PA.
Mar 20 OFCCP - Meet and Greet for Federal Contractors & CBOs, New Orleans, LA.
Mar 21 OFCCP - Analyzing Personnel Activity Data, Omaha, NE.
Mar 21 OFCCP Compliance Assistance Seminar – Supply & Service Contractors , Memphis, TN.
Mar 21 OFCCP-Preparing Small and New Supply and Service Contractors for an OFCCP Audit and Outreach Best Practices, Baltimore, MD.
Mar 22 OFCCP - Developing Written Affirmative Action Programs/ Workplace Accommodations, Columbus, OH.
Mar 26 OLMS-Compliance Assistance Seminar, San Francisco, CA.
Mar 27 OFCCP - Analyzing Your Compensation Data , Milwaukee, WI.
Mar 28 OFCCP - Open House (Linkage/Recruitment/Outreach), Houston, TX.
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