Empowering New Generations in Improved Nutrition and Economic Opportunities (ENGINE)

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Date of Operation: 2011 - 2017children being served in a food line

Primary Implementing Partner: Save the Children

Other Implementing Partners: Valid International, Tufts University, Land O’ Lakes, Jhpiego, Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Regions of Operation: Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, Tigray, and at the national level


Improve the nutritional status of women and young children through sustainable, comprehensive, and coordinated evidence-based interventions

Project Objectives:

  • Strengthen the capacity and institutionalization of nutrition programs and policy
  • Improve the quality and delivery of nutrition and health care services
  • Improve prevention of under nutrition through community-oriented nutrition care and practices
  • Adopt a rigorous and innovative learning agenda


ENGINE is USAID’s $50.8 million flagship integrated nutrition program under the Feed the Future (FtF) Initiative and Global Health Initiative (GHI). ENGINE’s core initiative is to prevent under nutrition by focusing on social behavior change, including linkages to livelihood and economic opportunities. The program strengthens linkages between agriculture, food security and nutrition by working in the same geographic zones as new Feed the Future agriculture and food security programs. In addition, it consolidates prior USAID investments in nutrition to ensure a coordinated response that meets the requirements of both the GHI and FtF.

ENGINE also works to expand USAID investments and technical leadership in providing nutrition support through a continuum of care, especially at the community level. By strengthening the quality and availability of nutrition services, as well as promoting nutrition education, the program aims to establish nutrition as an important issue within Government of Ethiopia ministries and throughout the country.

Expected Results:

  • Support national, regional and local level nutrition programs and policies at the health facilities and community levels to improve the quality and delivery of services
  • Prevent under nutrition through community oriented nutrition care and practices