World Vision

Joint Emergency Operations Program (JEOP)

Date of Operation: 2008 – 2014

Primary Implementing Partner: Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

Other Implementing Partners: CARE, Food for the Hungry International (FHI), Hararghe Catholic Secretariat, Relief Society of Tigray (REST), Save the Children (SC), World Vision International (WVI)

Regions of Operation: Afar, Amhara, Dire Dawa, Oromiya, Somali, SNNP, and Tigray


Address the food needs of drought-affected populations

Project Objectives:

  • Undertake periodic assessments to determine people suffering from transitory food insecurity
  • Provide survival ration of food to people in need
  • Prevent further depletion of household assets
  • Reduce distress migration of an affected population


Preventive Care Package (PCP) Program

Date of Operation: 2011 - 2016

Primary Implementing Partner: World Vision International

Other Implementing Partner(s): Network of Networks of HIV-Positives (NEP+), Tulane University, African Network for the Care of Children Affected by AIDS (ANECCA)

Regions of Operation: Addis Ababa, Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, and Tigray


Mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia and improve the quality of life of people living with HIV (PLHIV), their families, and the community through sustainable, comprehensive, and coordinated evidence-based interventions


  • Provide a preventive care package to PLHIV to meet their care needs and promote adherence to and uptake of clinical services


CORE Group Partners Project

Date of Operation: 2007 – 2017

Primary Implementing Partner: CORE Group

Other Implementing Partners: Care, ChildFund International (CFI), World Vision, Plan, African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF), Save the Children, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), International Rescue Committee (IRC), Mekane Yesus Church, Hararghe Catholic Secretariat, Pastoralist Concern, Alem Tena Catholic Church

Regions of Operation: Nationwide, with a focus on pastoralist and hard-to-reach areas


To support the eradication of polio from Ethiopia.

Project Objectives:

  • Narrow the challenging gaps of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) surveillance and immunization in emerging regions and hard-to-reach areas
  • Conduct active surveillance, immunization campaigns and advocacy and awareness creation events


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