Ethiopia - Strengthening Land Administration Program (ELAP)

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Date of Operation: 2008 – 2013

Primary Implementing Partner: Tetra Tech

Regions of Operation: Afar, Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, Somali and Tigray


Assist the Government of Ethiopia to strengthen and enhance rural land tenure security and administration.

Project Objectives:

  • Support improvement of legal framework on land administration
  • Promote tenure security to enhance investment on land
  • Increase public information and awareness
  • Capacity building and program management


Frequent distribution of rural lands in the last three decades created a great sense of land insecurity. Farmers mined land resources by cutting (and not planting) trees and not improving land management practices. The complications of tenure insecurity have remained as key challenges to achieving improved livelihoods and sustainable natural resources management. The Government of Ethiopia and its regional governments see USAID as a thought-leader in addressing land tenure, requesting additional help in policy-oriented areas. This gives USAID an opportunity to continue to shape the evolution of property rights in Ethiopia in ways that should promote greater food security and economic growth with resiliency in rural Ethiopia, eventually reducing dependence on the U.S. for development and humanitarian assistance. ELAP builds on the successes of prior USAID programs, further strengthening and enhancing rural land tenure security through policy, awareness and capacity building.

Expected Results:

  • Increased investment in agriculture due to increased tenure security
  • Improved household food security
  • Reduced land-related conflicts
  • Improved land use, planning, and resource management