Press Releases


Addis Ababa – As part of President Obama’s Feed the Future Initiative in Ethiopia, the U.S. Government through USAID launched the Commercial Farm Service Program today in support of the Government of Ethiopia’s Agricultural Growth Plan (AGP).  The new two year program will provide grants and training to rural entrepreneurs, both men and women, to help create one wholesale and six retail farm service centers (FSCs) designed to meet the operational needs of farmers.  The FSCs will reach at least 30,000 smallholder farmers in the Oromia Region.

FSCs are medium to large-scale suppliers that provide an array of agricultural supplies, or inputs, such as fertilizers, seeds, agricultural tools and other equipment.  FSCs also provide extensive services including machinery rental, processing, veterinary consultation and marketing.  Each FSC comes equipped with a training facility where farmers can receive professional technical assistance.  FSCs also extend credit to farmers, enabling them to procure high quality inputs that lead to increased production and profits.

Woman with childADDIS ABABA
What:         Background briefing for journalists
When:        Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 08:00
Who:          Ethiopia Ministry of Health, UNICEF, USAID Experts on Child Survival
Where:       Addis Ababa, African Union Headquarters, Former Conference Center
What:         Opening Plenary of A Promise Renewed – African Leadership for Child Survival
When:        Wednesday January 16, 2013 at 09:00 – 10:3

Addis Ababa - Today, a five-year, US$100 million grant agreement was signed by the Ministry of Health of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) and UNICEF, at the premises of the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH). H.E. Dr. Kesetebirhan Admasu, Minister of Health, H.E. Donald E. Booth, U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia, and Dr. Peter Salama, UNICEF Representative to Ethiopia, signed the new agreement to redouble efforts to prevent and control malaria in Ethiopia, notably in the most affected Oromia Region.

The grant from the United States to UNICEF supports Ethiopia’s National Strategic Plan for malaria prevention (2011-2015), control, and elimination through the provision of life saving antimalarial drugs, diagnostic kits, and long lasting insecticide treated nets.  This support will also help complete the national roll-out of integrated community case management of common childhood illnesses (ICCM).  The services will be delivered through Ethiopia’s Health Extension Programme (HEP).


Addis Ababa - The U.S. Government announced a new five year program today that builds on nearly a decade of experience in drought-stricken and pastoralist areas of Ethiopia in order to benefit more than 250,000 households in Afar, Oromia, and Somali regions.  Joining the resources of the U.S. President’s Feed the Future and Global Climate Change Initiatives, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) launched the Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement and Market Expansion (PRIME) program to respond to increasing pressures on pastoralist livelihoods.


December 5, 2012, Addis Ababa – U.S. Ambassador Donald Booth presented certificates today to representatives of the 167 first-year female students who completed the first stage of the new University Preparation Camp (UPC) at Addis Ababa University (AAU).  AAU President Dr. Admassu Tsegaye hosted the ceremony.  UPC organizers and representatives of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Women’s, Children, and Youth Affairs also participated in the event.


Addis Ababa – November 29, 2012. USAID Ethiopia Mission Director Dennis Weller presented to Ethiopia’s State Minister of Education Ato Fuad Ibrahim 5.5 million English language text books for primary school children in grades 2, 3 and 4. USAID’s Textbooks and Learning Materials Program (TLMP) developed the textbooks in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. USAID printed the textbooks to allow each child in grades 2, 3 and 4 to have the learning material. In prior years, USAID has developed, printed and donated English textbooks for other grades of primary schools.

“These books will serve to improve the English language skills of students in grades 2 to 4 in over 28,000 Ethiopian schools nationwide, in support of the Ministry of Education’s General Education Quality Improvement Program,” said Mission Director Weller.


November 17, 2012, Adama, Oromia As part of President Obama’s Feed the Future Initiative in Ethiopia, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) launched a new five-year project called “Livestock Market Development” in support of the Government of Ethiopia’s Agricultural Growth Plan (AGP). State Minister of Agriculture Sileshi Getahun and USAID Ethiopia Mission Director Dennis Weller presided over the launch attended by federal and regional government officials, livestock industry representatives, and implementing partners.

The AGP-Livestock Market Development project will improve smallholder farmer incomes and nutritional status through investments in livestock value chains including beef, dairy, and hides. The project is expected to generate 2,600 new on and off farm jobs and improve the livelihoods of some 200,000 households.


Bahir Dar, Ethiopia October 13, 2012. In support of the Government of Ethiopia’s Health Sector Development Plan, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched the Strengthening Human Resources for Health (HRH) project at the culmination of the Federal Ministry of Health’s (FMOH) Annual Review Meeting in Bahir Dar, capital of Amhara Region.  Minister of Health Tedros Adhanom and USAID Mission Director Dennis Weller addressed the invited health officials and academic partners from every region of Ethiopia.

The goal of the project is to improve the well-being of Ethiopians through increased availability of capable health professionals at all levels of health care in the country to reduce infectious diseases such as Malaria, TB, HIV/AIDS and maternal, newborn and child sickness and death. 

On Friday, August 10, the United States launched the first-ever U.S. Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence Globally.  President Obama signed an accompanying Executive Order 13623, which directs all relevant agencies to implement the Strategy, and creates an interagency working group to be co-chaired by the Secretary of State and the Administrator of USAID.
Preventing and responding to gender-based violence is a cornerstone of USAID's commitment to advancing gender equality. Gender-based violence is a human rights violation, a public health challenge, and a barrier to civic, social, political, and economic participation.

Addis Ababa, September 12, 2012.

At the May 2012 G8 Summit chaired by U.S. President Barack Obama, industrialized countries, African leaders including Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, and private sector enterprises and corporations announced the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (“New Alliance”) and endorsed Cooperation Frameworks in three initial countries, Ghana, Tanzania, and Ethiopia.

To advance the New Alliance goals in Ethiopia, the Rural Economic Development and Food Security (RED&FS) Sector Working Group which is a government and donor platform chaired by the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) with co-chairs from USAID and the World Bank, hosted a New Alliance Workshop for Food Security and Nutrition in Ethiopia on September 12, 2012, in Addis Ababa. The purpose of the meeting was to raise the profile and understanding of Ethiopia’s New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, consult with stakeholders on the way forward, and build New Alliance commitments and accountability into Ethiopia’s existing Agricultural Policy and Investment Framework (PIF).

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