Showing posts with label walk through metal detector. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walk through metal detector. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2010

Response to "Young Boy Strip Searched by TSA"

***Update 12/13/2010 10:30 AM *** New information was brought to light that indicated the initial report was incorrect. The TSA officer  intended to pat down the child, due to a TSA requirement to check passengers with bulky clothing,  which the boy was wearing, and not due to the walk through metal detector alarming.

A video is being widely circulated showing a shirtless boy receiving secondary screening from a Transportation Security Officer (TSO). A passenger filmed the screening with their cell phone and posted the video on the web. Many are coming to their own conclusions about what's happening in the video which is now perched at the top of the Drudge report and being linked to in many other blogs and tweets. We looked into this to find out what happened.

On November 19, a family was traveling through a TSA checkpoint at the Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC). Their son alarmed the walk through metal detector and needed to undergo secondary screening. The boy's father removed his son's shirt in an effort to expedite the screening. After our TSO completed the screening, he helped the boy put his shirt back on. That's it. No complaints were filed and the father was standing by his son for the entire procedure.

It should be mentioned that you will not be asked to and you should not remove clothing (other than shoes, coats and jackets) at a TSA checkpoint. If you're asked to remove your clothing, you should ask for a supervisor or manager.

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team