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Earth Ambassadors

Announcement of Opportunity to participate in NASA Earth Ambassadors Program Application Deadline: March 16, 2012 Announcement of Opportunity and Application Applicant pool preference is Museum Alliance members.

What are Climate Day and Climate Day Events?

Global climate change is a significant phenomenon that humans have impacted to varying degrees around the globe. A hot topic scientifically, politically, and socially, people of all age levels and socioeconomic groups are engaged in the dialogue surrounding these issues. In order for the general public to be able to address and make informed decisions and choices, they must be able to separate fact from fiction and should understand their individual role in global change. Climate Day events, which target schools and communities to educate and raise awareness of climate change and NASA's contributions to the body of knowledge on this topic, is the mechanism by which we expect to improve climate literacy in the U.S. These events will be implemented through a network of carefully selected and trained Earth Ambassadors who will make use of an electronic Climate Day "Kit" comprised of NASA resources related directly to climate science that are suited for education and public outreach on climate and climate change.

What are Earth Ambassadors and How Do We Train for Climate Day?

An Earth Ambassador is someone who is committed to the support of a series of nation-wide NASA Climate Day Events hosted at their own institutions using NASA Climate Day Kits containing educational and public outreach resources. In preparation for their Climate Day events, the selected Ambassadors will be trained in the use of Climate Day Kit resources via two-week, virtual workshop, June 4-15, 2012. To sustain the engagement of Ambassadors, quarterly online webinars and monthly telecons will provide up-to-date information on the Climate Day Kit resources and the latest scientific research. Ambassadors will be able to collaborate with each other, the proposers, and the general public through listservs, social media networks, and online collaborative spaces.

NASA Climate Day Earth Ambassador Training #1 October 13-14, 2011 Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland

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