United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Quality Improvement in Parallel Circuits: VA System Redesign, Operational Systems Engineering, and Implementation Research

As a learning organization, VHA continually strives to provide better care for Veterans. Toward this effort, VA's Health Services Research & Development (HSR&D) Center on Implementing Evidence-based Practice, VA/HSR&D's Stroke Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI), and the VISN 11 VA Engineering Resource Center (VERC) hosted the HSR&D/VERC conference "Quality Improvement in Parallel Circuits" in Indianapolis on July 14-15, 2010.

The Conference hosted representatives engaged in quality improvement from research, clinical, and administrative sectors of the VHA, in order to facilitate collaborations and develop mechanisms to support improvement projects that advance care given to Veterans. The emphasis of the Conference was to underscore areas of scientific, operational, and methodologic convergence for quality improvement projects, as well as the importance of cultivating the relationship between Implementation Research and Systems Engineering.

Conference presentations included:

Introduction to Systems Redesign (SR) and Operational Systems Engineering (OSE)

Introduction to Implementation Research (IR)

Overview of T21 Initiatives - James Tuchschmidt, MD, MM, Acting Director Office of Healthcare Transformation

Examples of joint HSR/SR work

VERC 101

Snapshot of the four VERCs