Oceans & Human Health



Seafood Does
a Body Good

Sea Lion

Drugs from
the Sea


Climate Change and Harmful Algal Blooms. In a recent study, researchers from NOAA's West Coast Center for Oceans and Human Health used cutting-edge technologies to model future ocean and weather patterns.

Atmospheric Dust and the Ocean Environment. In a recent NOAA-funded study, University of Georgia and U.S. Geological Survey researchers considered how global desertification and the resulting increase in atmospheric dust based on some climate-change scenarios could fuel the presence of harmful bacteria in the ocean and seafood.

Original air date: 3/03/11.

Making Waves podcast

Decoding the Secret Pathologies of Dolphins (Making Waves podcast). Take a virtual journey to the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). At the event, NOAA's Oceans and Human Health Initiative unveiled six new studies that offer insights into how diseases found in dolphins and other marine mammals are similar to humans.

Original air date: 2/18/10.

Making Waves podcast

Harmful Algal Bloom News (Making Waves podcast). If you live in a coastal area or near the Great Lakes, you may have heard of 'Harmful Algal Blooms,' but you may know them by the more popular name 'red tide.' HABs are caused by microscopic algae—tiny plants in the ocean—that grow out of control. As they bloom, they produce powerful toxins that kill fish and make shellfish dangerous to eat. In this episode, we take a look at three stories about how NOAA is addressing this serious problem.

Original air date: 11/12/09.

Making Waves podcast

Powerful Fish-Killing Toxin May Offer Human Health Benefits (Making Waves podcast). Could a toxic chemical produced by Euglena, a type of algae known for well over a century--algae that you may have even seen before under a microscope in your High School biology class--someday be used to treat cancer?

Original air date: 09/30/09.

Making Waves podcast

Antibiotic Resistance in the Marine Environment (Making Waves podcast). In this episode, we take a look at antibiotic resistance in the marine environment and potential new cures from the sea. We'll hear about three new studies presented at a NOAA-sponsored symposium at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Chicago.

Original air date: 2/13/09.

Making Waves podcast

Predicting Cholera Outbreaks (Making Waves podcast). In the second story in this episode, we look at research from a NOAA Distinguished Scholar that uses ocean observations to predict cholera outbreaks.

Original air date: 02/06/09.

Making Waves podcast

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