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Global Soil Regions Map

Global Soil Regions Map

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  • Key Words: Soil Taxonomy, soil orders, global soil map
  • About the Map: The Global Soil Regions map is based on a reclassification of the FAO-UNESCO Soil Map of the World combined with a soil climate map. The soil map shows the distribution of the 12 soil orders according to Soil Taxonomy.
  • Possible Uses of the Map: Useful for teachers and students who are interested in the global distribution of major soil types. Climate change modelers may be able to use the data for small scale analysis.
  • Source: FAO-UNESCO, Soil Map of the World, digitized by ESRI. Soil climate map, USDA-NRCS, Soil Science Division, World Soil Resources, Washington D.C.
  • Data Aggregation and Reliability: Conversion of the FAO Soil Map of the World to Soil Taxonomy requiring assigning a Suborder to every combination of FAO classification and soil climate regime. Differences between the FAO system and Soil Taxonomy are such that direct correlations are not always possible. The Suborder map data is rasterized on a 2 minute grid cell.
  • Data Definitions: Data is classed by Soil Taxonomy Suborders. Map is at the Order level.
  • Data Disclaimer: Country boundaries are not authoritative.
  • Database Manager: Paul Reich, Geographer, World Soil Resources. Email: paul.reich@wdc.usda.gov
Map Production Information
  • Map Identification: orders.jpg
  • Production Date: April, 1997 Revised: September, 2005
  • Geographic Coverage: Global
  • Projection: Geographic
  • Minimum Scale: 1:5,000,000

This page last updated on November 17, 2005.

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