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RCC Working Group Contact Information

Agriculture and Food 1

  • Meat/poultry – certification requirements
  • Perimeter approach to plant protection
  • Financial protection to produce sellers
    • Canadian Lead: Steve Tierney, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
    • United States Lead: Robert Keeney, United States Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Marketing Service
    • Contacts : RCC-FETP@agr.gc.ca; RCC-BTB@one.usda.gov

 Agriculture and Food 2

Crop Protection Products

  • Crop protection products
    • Canadian Lead: Richard Aucoin, Health Canada – Pest Management Regulatory Agency
    • United States Lead: Steven Bradbury, Environmental Protection Agency
    • Contacts: Marion.Law@hc-sc.gc.ca; Rossi.Lois@epa.gov

Personal Care Products and Pharmaceuticals

Motor Vehicles

Rail Safety, Dangerous Goods and Intelligent Transportation Systems

  • Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • Canadian Lead: Gerard McDonald, Transport Canada
    • United States Lead: Susan McDermott, Department of Transportation
    • Contacts: Susan.Spencer@tc.gc.ca; Crystal.Jones@dot.gov

Locomotive Emissions

 Air Transport

 Marine Transport

  • Safety & security framework and arrangement for the St. Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes system


  • Emission standards for light-duty vehicles

Occupational Safety Issues

  • Classification and labelling of chemicals (workplace hazards)


Small Business Lens

  • Small Business Lens
    • Canadian Lead: Michael Presley, Treasury Board Secretariat
    • United States Lead: Alex Hunt, Office of Management and Budget
Contacts: Doug.Band@tbs-sct.gc.ca



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