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U.S. Institute of Peace Press


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$10.00 $8.00 (Paperback)

USIP Press Books
January 1992
96 pp. , 6" x 9"

Focusing on post-World War II American foreign policy and its intellectual architect, George Kennan, this volume explores the moral dimensions of realpolitik and the ethical dilemmas posed by present-day politics. Is Kennan responsible for persuading the U.S. foreign policy establishment that morality should go by the wayside? Or was Kennan right to regard as "presumptuous" the idea that Americans should tell other societies how to behave? Kennan gives his own influential view in an article reprinted here from Foreign Affairs (1985/96). (Workshop 6)


Kenneth M. Jensen is currently Executive Director of The American Committees on Foreign Relations. Previously he was the director of special programs at the United States Institute of Peace.

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