July 11, 2012: Nijmegen March Send-Off Ceremony

Today I went to the send off ceremony at the War Museum for the Ottawa contingent that is going to Nijmegen. I had on a suit. The rest of the marchers were there in their uniforms and combat boots. The weird thing was that I found myself staring at the well worn boots and being able to identify the manufacturers: Swat, Magnum, Rocky, Bates, etc., etc. Never thought I’d have that skill. The ceremony made it all feel very real. I guess I’m really going to go.


U.S. Ambassador David Jacobson, Dutch Ambassador Wim Geerts, and members of the Canadian Forces at the Nijmegen March Send Off Ceremony at the Canadian War Museum

Nijmegen March Send Off Ceremony at the Canadian War Museum

Nijmegen March Send Off Ceremony at the Canadian War Museum

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