Arms Control

Forging Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities for the NPT


To respond to the challenges we face, we are thinking about creative ways to use technologies, including open source technologies, to tackle long-standing verification and monitoring problems.

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Statement by the President on North Korean announcement of nuclear test

North Korea’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs constitute a threat to U.S. national security and to international peace and security.

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U.S. Iran Sanctions Exempt Food, Medicine, Remittances


U.S. sanctions have been steadily tightening on Iran as a result of the Iranian government’s continued failure to live up to its international obligations regarding its nuclear and ballistic missile activities.

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More U.S. Sanctions Target North Korean Weapons Proliferation


The United States has designated a Hong Kong–based company, two North Korean bank officials, North Korea’s space agency and several space officials in response to U.N. Security Council Resolution 2087, which was unanimously adopted on January 22 in the wake of Pyongyang’s launch — in direct violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions 1718 and 1874 — of a rocket using ballistic missile technology on December 12.

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USUN Fact Sheet on UNSC Response to North Korea’s Launch

In response to North Korea’s December 12 launch, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2087 to condemn the launch and impose new sanctions, including asset freezes and travel bans on critical North Korean companies and officials.

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Ambassador Kennedy’s Statement at the Conference on Disarmament Plenary


We begin the New Year with renewed commitment to the goal of a world without nuclear weapons – a goal which my President has made a hallmark of his international security agenda.

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State Dept. on U.S. Nuclear Security Infrastructure

In accordance with the Nuclear Posture Review, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) identified a path for sustaining the nuclear deterrent while modernizing the supporting infrastructure without nuclear explosive testing.

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Highlighting the Work of the Global Partnership in Countering Biological Threats


Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins, Chair of the 2012 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction (Global Partnership), hosted a celebratory event at the Centre International de Conferences in Geneva, Switzerland on December 17, 2012.

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Facilitating National Implementation through Assistance and Cooperation

Ambassador Kennedy

The United States hosted a side event December 14, 2012 at the United Nations in Geneva during the Meeting of States Parties of the Biological and Toxins Weapons Convention

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Facilitating National Implementation through Assistance and Cooperation: U.S.,U.K. and Canadian Programs

Ambassador Laura Kennedy

AGENDA 0900-0910   Introductions Ambassador Laura Kennedy   0910-0950   Overview of assistance programs U.S. Department of Defense Assistance Programs Assistant Secretary of Defense Andy Weber Presentation (pdf) U.S. Department of State Assistance Programs  Assistant Secretary Tom Countryman   Presentation (pdf) U.K. Assistance Programs Ambassador Jo Adamson Canada Assistance Programs Ms. Kelly Anderson 0950-1000   Discussion Additional Background [...]

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