Section 508 Checklist for Software Applications and Operating Systems
§1194.21 (l) Electronic Forms Checkpoints
1194.21 Checkpoint Yes No N/A Comments
(l) When electronic forms are used, the form shall allow people using assistive technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues.        
l.1 Can all areas of the form be completed, and can the form be submitted, using only the keyboard? * * *  
l.2 Does the tab order of the form proceed logically and reflect the normal flow of form use? * * *  
l.3 Are meaningful accessible names provided for all form elements? * * *  
l.4 Do elements with multiple labels expose these in their accessible names? * * *  
l.5 Is there a means of indicating completion or error other than audio information alone? * * *  
l.6 Is focus returned to the last focused element when returning to an open module? * * *  
l.7 Are form field constraints clearly indicated? * * *  
l.8 Are error messages explicitly indicated and easily found by a user? * * *  
l.9 Is instructive text placed at the beginning of a form or prior to the relevant form field? * * *  
l.10 Are proper programmatic accessibility events fired to provide access to context changes? * * *  
l.11 Are form control groups properly labeled? * * *  
l.12 Are radio button groups properly formed? * * *  
l.13 When a timed response is required, is a warning provided to the user that is available to assistive technology? * * *  
l.14 Is the user given sufficient time to interact and/or request more time? * * *