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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Prince William Sound shoreline at low tide, photo: Mandy Lindeberg

Alaska ShoreZone Coastal Mapping and Imagery

Alaska ShoreZone Workgroup

Awards and Recognition

The ShoreZone partnership received the 2009 Coastal America National Spirit Award for meeting the following criteria: the project has at least one federal and non-federal partner; the project must demonstrate a contribution to the Coastal America objectives: 1) to protect, preserve and restore the Nation's coastal resources; and/or 2) to increase public awareness and education; and the project should demonstrate an innovative way of accomplishing shared goals with positive environmental results.

The Alaska ShoreZone workgroup’s goals are to collect aerial imagery and mapping of the approximately 75,450 kilometers (46,700 miles) of coastline in Alaska and to make the imagery and the data both "physically and intellectually" accessible to everyone. Since 2003, more than 40 partners have contributed to the Alaska ShoreZone Program. Periodic meetings of all the partners are held to review the projects progress, establish priorities and future goals, and identify potential funding sources.

Annual Meetings

Workshops, Training and Events

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