Dr. Burgess on the Floor: Frisco City Councilman Captain Tim Nelson
Posted by Whitney Thompson on November 27, 2012
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Dr. Burgess spoke on the House Floor and recognized Frisco City Council member Tim Nelson who just returned home from Afghanistan. You can watch the video below.

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  • Matt from Oak Point commented on 12/27/2012
    I just read where the House of Representatives are to reconvene on Sunday for what is hoped to be something coming from the Senate to consider. The one thing I have yet to hear is that a budget will be required to support any agreement that is reached. I continue to be amazed that both Houses of Congress believe that the government should just continue to make deals between partisan parties without knowing what the amount of funds are to be budgeted toward. The government spending without budgeted agreement is a violation of our constitution. It is out of control. Regardless of who won an election, the American citizens are NOT in favor of putting our country in deeper financial peril. I have yet to be able to find any person that says yes we should continue to expand the debt. So that means quit digging the hole. It has been a tough four years and many families have had to make some drastic changes by reducing their spending. Why should they not expect our elected officials to realize the same when it comes to our government. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE IN ON THE SPENDING CUTS. WE HAVE TO GET FISCALLY HEALTHY BEFORE WE CAN TRULY ADVANCE THE ECONOMY. Thank you for your service.
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