High Plains Regional Climate Center

Providing timely climate data and information to the
public for cost effective decision making since 1987

Disclaimer on the Use of Data and Products from the HPRCC

Climate products and tools are developed by the HPRCC and its partner Regional Climate Centers to provide users with a means to routinely access recent weather and climate data. While applied research has demonstrated that the use of such data in decision making can reduce risk and lower a user's cost, it must be pointed out that near-real-time data are preliminary in nature and sometimes contain errors. Although care is taken to remove known errors, it is possible that some data will change after receipt of written records and final quality control steps. Users are therefore forewarned to consider any negative impact that errant data might have on their business and use preliminary data and information at their own risk.

The HPRCC is not responsible for the misuse or abuse of data provided through our services, both online and full-service.

Through use of the data services through the HPRCC website, you atuomatically agree to the terms of use and disclaimer.