


The Truth About Email

Feeling buried by your emails? The average email user gets 147 emails every day and spends two and a half hours going through them.  Seventy one of those emails are disposed of in five minutes, but twelve require considerable work and may take an hour and a half  or more.

Codeworks Connects looked at five million emails and found several trends that can help you save time:

  • Send emails before work and at lunch if you need a reply,
  • Recognize how long each task takes and optimize where it counts:
    • Making decisions
    • Doing the work
    • Crafting responses

Many organizations are turning to instant messaging and email free Friday’s  to cut down on email traffic.  GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies has developed email guidelines to get the user to think before you send.

Tell us what you’re doing to stem the overwhelming tide of emails. Let us know what has worked and what hasn’t.

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  1. Lisa Nelson says:

    You are so right Jonas. I am trying to get our tech folks to add. Thanks

  2. Jonas Högman says:


    I think it would be a good idea to add a Twitter share button on the social media-bar at the bottom of your blog posts! It would probably create some new traffic as people share your content!

  3. Narty says:

    You’re serious? I get no more than 20 – 30 emails a day and most of them i spam…

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