Make It In America

Watch video documentary of Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer and House Democrats discuss their Make It In America plan.

Watch video of President Obama President Obama stressing the Make It In America plan to aid manufacturers, help create jobs here at home.

Watch video of Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer's speech on new additions to the Make It In America plan.

America’s manufacturing sector has played a major role in propelling our economy and our nation to be the world’s leader, and also helped to create the strongest middle class in history. Manufacturing means secure, well-paying, middle-class jobs. After manufacturing saw a sharp decline – with a particularly steep drop during the Bush Administration, when America lost nearly a third of its manufacturing jobs – manufacturing has been a bright spot in the economy’s recovery. To ensure the manufacturing sector continues to grow and lead the economy, Democrats are working to enact the “Make It In America” plan: a plan to rebuild American manufacturing and create well-paying jobs.

View summaries of Make It In America bills.

View the list of Make It In America bills enacted into law.

The “Make It In America” plan supports job creation today and in the future by encouraging businesses to make products and innovate in the US and sell it to the world. It prioritizes strengthening our infrastructure so businesses can grow and move their products to market, investing in education and skills training; and supporting clean energy innovation. This effort builds on House Democrats' actions to create jobs and continue growing the economy and focuses on investing in key priorities while cutting wasteful spending.

Several Make It In America bills have already become law, cutting taxes and creating loans for small businesses, speeding up the patent process, lowering costs of raw materials, and ending tax loopholes that encourage companies to ship jobs overseas. Under Democratic leadership, the House also passed Make It In America legislation to support American clean energy firms, invest in job training partnerships, hold China accountable for the unfair currency manipulation that costs American jobs, and more. Democrats continue to seek ideas from business, labor, and individuals to add to the Make It In America plan and will continue to make it a key part of job-creating efforts. When more products are made in America, more families can Make It In America, as well.