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February 24, 2013, 11.00 p.m. (live broadcast beginning at 1.30 a.m.)
Oscar Night at the Filmmuseum
Location: Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt
This year, the Academy Award ceremony promises to be particularly exciting. And film fans in Frankfurt can join in on the fun, because the Deutsche Fillmmuseum is hosting an Oscar Night with live broadcasting of the award ceremony. Beginning at 11 p.m. guests can visit a special exhibition entitled “And the Oscar goes to… - 85 years of Best Picture” and attend guided tours. The exhibition features a timeline of every movie that was ever nominated in the category Best Picture, beginning in 1929 and ending in 2012. Spectacular exhibits from the archives of the Academy grant visitors a look behind the scenes: storyboards, script excerpts, posters, casting documents, and conceptual designs of costumes and scenes all contribute to making this year’s Oscar ceremony a very special and memorable event. By the way, if you want to see the films nominated for Best Picture in 2013, the Deutsche Filmmuseum is screening them bundled, beginning on Friday, Feb. 22, and ending on Sunday, Feb. 24 – just in time to join the broadcast of the ceremony!

Further information:

February 28, 2013, 10:15 - 12.00 a.m.
Visa Application Process Explained (J, F, M-Visa)
Location: Universität Trier, Raum B 22 (Campus I der Universität)
A representative of the U.S. Consulate General explains the visa application process and answers visa questions. Open to the public.
We cannot discuss individual visa applications if the visa interview has already taken place.

February 28, 2013, 2.00 - 6.00 p.m.
USA Information at Exchange Fair Explore! in Trier
Location: Agentur für Arbeit Trier, Dasbachstr. 9
The U.S. Consulate General informs about exchange opportunities (High School, Au Pair, interhships, work and travel, study etc.). Visa questions welcome.

March 8, 2013 – June 16
Exhibition: Hans Hofmann – Magnus Opus
Location: Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern
Hans Hofmann (1880-1966) was one of the most outstanding abstract expressionist painters of the 20th century. Born in a small town in Bavaria, he was educated in Munich and Paris, where he met artists like Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Juan Gris, and Georges Rouault. In the 1930s Hofmann left for the United States, where he established extraordinarily successful art schools in New York and Provincetown which influenced an entire generation of postwar American artists such as Jackson Pollock, Helen Frankenthaler, Lee Krasner, Philip Guston, Robert Motherwell, and Barnett Newman. His work is celebrated in the U.S., but Hofmann is still not well known in Germany. Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern is showing a unique exhibition containing over thirty outstanding, primarily large works of Hans Hofmann offering an overview of the remarkable artist’s oeuvre. Significant loans have been made by the Museum of Modern Art and the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, the University of California Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, the Addison Gallery of American Art in Andover, the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, DC, and by important private collections in the America, Europe, and Asia.

Further information:

March 11, 2013, 7.30 p.m.
J.R. Moehringer reads from his new book “Sutton”
The English Theater, Gallusanlage 7,  60329 Frankfurt am Main
In his first historical novel, Sutton, Moehringer writes about the life of Willie Sutton, whom he calls the "greatest American bank robber." Stealing from scores of banks over three decades without ever firing a shot, Sutton began his career in the late 1920s at a time of soaring unemployment, bank panics and depressions. J.R. Moehringer is an American author and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who writes for the Los Angeles Times. He wrote the bestseller The Tender Bar about how he was raised by a single mother and an uncle who was a barfly — and how he became a writer. Moehringer is also the ghost writer of Open the autobiography of Andre Agassi.

In cooperation with Fischer Verlag and The English Theatre Frankfurt.

March 13, 2013, 10.30 a.m.
Discussion with Meg Rosoff and Reading of her New Youth Novel
Location: Literaturhaus Frankfurt, Frankfurt
Meg Rosoff, born in 1956, is an American author who specializes in youth literature and currently resides in London. So far, she has published six youth novels, five of which were translated into German. She has been honored with several awards, receives great attention in the feature pages of all kinds of newspapers, and frequently ranks on the bestseller lists – for adults. Thus, it is unsurprising that her newest work “Oh. Mein. Gott.” (original: There is No Dog, Penguin Books 2011) will not be published as part of a youth-specific program, but by S. Fischer. The novel—just like other works by Rosoff—goes beyond the traditional youth novel paradigm with respect to both literary aesthetics and content. Yet the subject matters of all of her books revolve around coming-of-age themes, embedded in fascinating contextual varieties. On Wednesday, March 13, Rosoff will present her newest work before a student audience in the Literaturhaus Frankfurt. Joined by moderator Fridtjof Küchemann of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), she will be talking about her approach to literature in general and her new novel in particular. Tickets for 3 Euro each are available for purchase in advance through as well as via telephone (069 – 407 662 580)
Further information:

March 13 - 16, 2013 
Jennifer DuBois: German Reading Tour 2013
Locations: Worms (Mar. 14), Tübingen (Mar. 15); exact time and locations TBA
Jennifer DuBois, born in Massachusetts in 1983, is an American writer. After graduating from Tufts University, she earned an M.F.A. in fiction from the Iowa Writer’s Workshop, where she was also a Teaching-Writing Fellow. She then went on to complete a Stegner Fellowship in fiction and served as the Nancy Packer Lecturer in Continuing Studies at Stanford University. Her writing has appeared, or is forthcoming, in a number of notable publications including, among others, the Wall Street Journal and Esquire. Her first novel is called A Partial History of Lost Causes, the first chapter of which was already named a Top Five Story of 2011-2012 by Narrative. In March of this year, DuBois will be on a reading tour in Germany, where she will appear in Worms on March 14, and in Tübingen one day later. You can also catch her in Berlin (Mar. 13) and Leipzig (Mar. 16).

March 19 - 24, 2013 
Lichter Filmfest Frankfurt International
Various locations, TBA
This March, the sixth edition of the Lichter Filmfest will take place in Frankfurt. The festival will feature over 70 film productions as well as unconventional illuminations of public spaces. Additionally the festivities will include excursions, debates, screenings, and lectures focusing on this year’s central theme: the city. Ten feature-length movies and over twenty short films are scheduled to participate in the prestigious film competition, which features only productions that have a connection to the Rhein-Main area. However, a special focus of this year’s Lichter Filmfest will be a retrospective on the American filmmaker James Gray from New York who is being hailed as an exceptional talent by the likes of Martin Scorsese and Brian de Palma.  The artistic illuminations will take place on the 22nd and 23rd of March in the heart of Frankfurt’s city core. Many famous media artists are scheduled to contribute to these light installations, which the event planners call “Lichter Streetview”. For example, the !Mediengruppe Bitnik from Zurich will perform, as do the On/Off Network from Berlin and Frankfurt’s own NODE – Forum for Digital Arts.

Further information:

April 15 – 28, 2013
Frankfurt liest ein Buch 2013: Siegfried Kracauer – Ginster
Various locations, exact schedule TBA
“Frankfurt liest ein Buch” is an event series organized by a local literary society. Once every year, a book is selected that participants read and discuss. The reading is enhanced by a series of excursions, lectures, discussions and exhibitions dedicated to emphasizing the local roots and traces of the selected book and its author. This year’s selection is the novel “Ginster” by Sigfried Kracauer, who was born in Frankfurt in 1889 and as editor of the Frankfurter Zeitung became one of the most important journalists and writers of the Weimarer Republik. Beginning in 1933, he lived in France for eight years, before he finally emigrated to the United States. Kracauer died in New York in 1966. “Ginster” was his first novel and published in 1928. It is set during the First World War and named after its protagonist, Ginster, a young architect from Frankfurt, who is drafted into the army, where he is deemed not good enough for combat-related work and instead ends up peeling potatoes. He comes to reflect on his situation and concludes that the exercises he performs do not serve the war effort; instead, the war is merely a pretense to justify the exercises.

Further information:

April 18, 2013, 7.30 p.m.
“Ghana Must Go” with Taiye Selasi
Location: Literaturhaus Frankfurt, Frankfurt
Taiye Selasi was born in London, raised in Massachusetts, and now resides in New York, New Delhi, and Rome. She is of Ghanaian descent and lives up to a concept she herself popularized: the Afropolitan, a new, young, and cosmopolitan generation with African roots. Today, Selasi is an author hailed by many as the new, strong voice for Africa. By the way, she is also a gifted photographer. On Thursday, April 18, Selasi will visit the Literaturhaus Frankfurt which is hosting a reading of her new book Diese Dinge geschehen nicht einfach so (original: Ghana Must Go, Penguin Press 2013) in cooperation with the United States Consulate General Frankfurt. The novel tells the story of an African family that is scattered over the continents and finds back to Africa only after the father’s death. There, they find happiness and a new sense of belonging. The event will be moderated throughout the evening by Hans Jürgen Balmes in both German and English. Tickets (advance sale) are available for 9 Euro or 6 Euro (discounts may apply) here:

Further information:

June 21-22, 2013
Seminar: „From Kennedy to Obama - Continuity and Change in German-American Relations and Perceptions“
Location: Jugendherberge Wiesbaden, Blücherstraße 66  65195 Wiesbaden, Tel. (0611) 449081
Co-sponsors: U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt, Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz, Fridtjof-Nansen-Akademie, Hessische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Jugendpresse Hessen (JPH) e.V., Junge Journalisten Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.,
Audience: School newspaper editors from Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate
Registration/program: to be announced

In June 1963, President John F. Kennedy visited the Rhein-Main region, only a few months before his assasination.  The 50th anniversary of his visit is the occasion for this year’s seminar for school newspaper editors. What is Kennedy’s legacy for the United States, for Europe and Germany?  How relevant is he today?  How can the German fascination with Kennedy be explained?  What are the differences and similarities with President Obama’s popularity in Germany who was called the „Black Kennedy“ in a German book title?  What role do and did the media play now and back then?  How have German-American relations and mutual perceptions changed between the Kennedy and Obama presidencies?  The participants will discuss these and many other questions with German and American experts and will also learn about technical dimensions of modern journalism in special workshops.

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