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Safe Autumn

In many instances, it doesn't come as a surprise when a Soldier is seriously injured or dies in a preventable accident. Indiscipline isn't invisible, and someone always senses when their subordinate or buddy or is behaving recklessly, whether on or off the job.

But some signs are more subtle than others. No one can miss the Soldier who engages in horseplay with his service weapon or speeds out of control in an Army vehicle. Off duty, the signs may be harder to spot, yet buddies know when something isn't right. The Soldier who drives after drinking all night, the one who thinks the road belongs to him or her alone, or the one who believes personal protective equipment is optional when riding off post. We've seen it all, but have we done the right thing and spoken up every time?

Training, discipline and standards are the bedrock of our Army, and as a Soldier, you've been taught what right looks like. As a leader, you have a duty and a responsibility to maintain standards in your formation. You also have an obligation to your Soldiers and their Families to manage risk and take action to correct the problem. In our fight against accidental fatalities, knowledge is the weapon of choice.

The Know the Signs campaign is designed to heighten awareness of risk factors and provide leaders and Soldiers the tools they need to address safety issues in their unit or peer group. The signs are all around — it's up to you to recognize and act on them.

Know the signs. Know what's right. Do what's right.


Autumn Safety   Winter Safety
Topics include sports/recreation, pedestrian safety, pov and pom safety, alcohol safety and workplace/home safety. Available now!   Check back for winter safety topics such as winter driving, cold injury prevention, holiday safety and more. Available now!
Spring Safety   Summer Safety
Spring is in the air and it's time to safely spend some of that pent-up energy. Topics include alcohol safety, driving safety and more. Available February 28th.   Summer Safety topics will include heat injury prevention, water and outdoor recreation safety and more. Available May 25th.


We value your opinion. If you have a suggested topic or any other feedback please let us know!