for the

CM/ECF News & Information

NOTICE TO THE BAR - Intra-District Transfers to Syracuse Division (12/07/06)

IMPORTANT NOTICE - Changes of "Office Code for Certain Bankruptcy
Filers; Assignment of Cases and Scheduling of 341 Meetings in
Anticipation of New Judge in Syracuse; Within District Transfer
of Cases

Northern District CM/ECF Update (11/20/06)

Electronic Payment of Filing Fees (11/20/06)

Changes Resulting from the USBC NDNY Upgrade to CM/ECF Ver. 3.0 (09/26/06)

PUBLIC NOTICE - Changes in Statutory Bankruptcy Fees
Effective April 9,2006

Revised Notice of Change in Procedure for Filing Adjournment Requests and
Letter Withdrawing - Utica Division Only (effective 08/29/05)
(revised 03/29/06)

NOTICE - Payment Advice Form (dated 03/07/06)

CM/ECF Users' Manuals and Instructions (updated 02/03/06)

IMPORTANT NOTICE - Electronic Summons (01/27/06)

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE BAR : Submission of Proposed Orders
Pursuant to Local Rule 9021-1(a)
(added 01/03/06)

PDF Levels and Fonts Supported by the BNC

Notice Re: Stapling of Proposed Orders to Chambers's Copy of Motion

IMPORTANT: New Help Desk Information and Phone Numbers

Link to NYNB's CM/ECF site

Administrative Orders related to Electronic Filing:

Other notices related to CM/ECF:


Helpful Sites/Applications

Attorney CM/ECF Certification Exam

CM/ECF E-Order Instructions- Trustees & Attorneys (updated 03/24/06)

CM/ECF: Managing E-Mail*

List of Attorneys and Participants Trained (updated 08/17/09)

Miscellaneous CM/ECF News & Information: