Stay Connected With Adults and Other Teens

There are many ways to make sure you will always have someone to go to for support when you need it. These links will help you talk to the adults in your life about building permanent relationships; they also list places where you can talk to other teens who understand you.

Creating permanent connections with supportive adults

Permanency Pact
FosterClub (2006)
Links to a printable pact an adult can sign to promise to provide specific supports to a young person in foster care, with the goal of establishing a lifelong, familylike relationship.

Talking With Caring Adults: A Conversation Guide for Foster Youth (PDF - 160 KB)
California Department of Social Services (2012)
Helps youth talk about their choices and their future as they prepare to leave foster care. The guide can be used with these videos.

Voluntary Post Adoption Contact Agreement: An Explanation for Youth by Youth (PDF - 135 KB)
Pennsylvania Youth Advisory Board (2011)
Explains how the agreement can keep youth in contact with their birth family after adoption and describes different types of contact that can be included in the agreement. The brochure also provides information on the Pennsylvania Adoption Information Registry (PAIR), a database of information about youth who have been adopted.

Connecting with other children and teens

Offers a social networking site for children and teens ages 9 to 15. The website has moderated chat rooms and message boards and also links to advice, sports, videogames, movie trailers, TV shows, contests, quizzes, and more.

Offers a monitored social networking site for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth ages 13 to 24, and their friends and allies. The website includes chats, videos, blogs, and more.

Your Life Your Voice
Boys Town National Hotline
Offers ways for youth to connect and discuss their feelings and concerns or to seek help with problems. Instant messaging (IM), online chats, and bulletin boards on a variety of topics are available.

Youth Message Board
Foster Club
Provides a place for youth currently or formerly in foster care to connect with others. Also available is the Foster Club Adult Message Board.

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