Adopting From Foster Care

Find organizations with information on waiting children to help you start the adoption process.

Spotlight On

Helping Foster and Adoptive Families
Provides prospective foster and adoptive parents with information on the adoption process, who can adopt, common myths, State-specific information, and more.

Meet the Children
Describes the 104,000 children and youth waiting for adoption in foster care and offers the searchable AdoptUSKids' national photolisting database of thousands of children available for adoption.

Adopt a Teen

Adopt a Teen
Families First (Georgia)
Presents a 2-minute video of the top 10 reasons to adopt a teen.

Adoption Group: U.S. Foster Adoptive Families
Adoptive Families Circle
Presents blog posts from real foster families throughout the journey to adopt from foster care.

Adoption in the Facebook, Twitter and Internet Age
Creating a Family (Host), Blog Talk Radio (2011)
Offers a 1-hour audio blog addressing online relationships among members of the adoption triad before and after adoption. Guests include Martha Henry and Adam Pertman.

Adoption Resources for Resource Parents
State Guides & Manuals Search
Lists State publications about adoption that are written for foster, adoptive, and prospective adoptive parents.

Adoption Tip Sheet: What Adoptive Parents Should Know (PDF - 22 KB)
Minnesota's Adoptee Advisory Committee (2010)
Lists advice from adoptees to prospective adoptive parents regarding expectations, building relationships, and more.

Foster/Adoptive Family Associations/Coalitions
Series Title: Related Organizations Lists
Author(s): Child Welfare Information Gateway
Availability: View
Download (PDF - 0KB)
Year Published: 2012 - 1 page
Includes State-level associations/coalitions of families that work to strengthen foster and adoptive parents and kinship/relative caregiver families through training, support, advocacy, and outreach activities. Social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.) links are included, when available.


Support for adoptive families

Learn about postadoption services and financial assistance for children adopted from foster care.

Postadoption Support

Adoption Assistance for Children Adopted From Foster Care
Child Welfare Information Gateway

Finding and Using Postadoption Services
Child Welfare Information Gateway

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