Category Archives: Governments

The Evolving Picture of our Governments

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Tweet Written by: Lisa Blumerman Governments.  What word comes to mind when you think of governments? Perhaps a state capital building, Congress, or a courthouse is what you think of first. How about the tens of thousands of governments that … Continue reading

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State and Local Government Workers: Where Do They Work? In our Schools

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Tweet Written by: Lisa Blumerman Yesterday, the Census Bureau released estimates from the 2011 Annual Survey of Public Employment & Payroll.  The total number of state and local government workers in March 2011 declined slightly to 19.4 million.  Where do … Continue reading

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Education Funding: Where do Schools Get Their Money? How do They Spend it?

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Tweet Written by: Lisa Blumerman Our children represent our future — and a good education is essential to theirs. Children use the skills and knowledge they learn in school to establish a firm foundation for their — and in turn … Continue reading

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The Funding of our State and Local Governments

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Tweet Written by: Lisa M. Blumerman and Jeffrey L. Barnett, Governments Division, US Census Bureau These days the health of our state and local governments is a topic that is much debated. Are our state and local governments solvent? Will … Continue reading

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Education Tops Government Employment

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Tweet Written by: Lisa Blumerman, US Census Bureau According to statistics the U.S. Census Bureau released today, the 90,740 state and local governments across the country employed 16.6 million full-time equivalent workers in 2010. What jobs do these employees perform? … Continue reading

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