Brown, Portman, Ohio Delegation Send Letter Urging Air Force To Select Rickenbacker As Primary Site For New KC-46A Tanker Aircraft

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Rob Portman (R-OH), along with the entire Ohio Congressional delegation, sent a letter to Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley and Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh expressing their “strong support for the Ohio National Guard’s 121st Air Refueling Wing based at Rickenbacker Air Guard Station (AGS)” to be selected as the primary site for the new KC-46A refueling aircraft. 

“The Air Force has long relied on the services of the Rickenbacker Air Base.  It is the logical site for the new KC-46A refueling aircraft. The men and women at Rickenbacker have the experience and the skills to take on this mission. I will continue working with Sen. Portman, members of the Ohio Congressional delegation, military leaders, and the Central Ohio community to ensure that Rickenbacker remains a critical hub in our nation’s security.”

Earlier this month, the Air Force announced that Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base near Columbus is one of five Air National Guard bases selected as a finalist for eventual receipt of 12 of the new KC-46A refueling aircraft set to replace the KC-135.  Those five bases will now be compared to one another and a final decision will then be made.  A preferred base and alternative base will be announced by May 1, 2013, and after further analysis a final decision will be made by Spring 2014. 

In the letter, the Senators and Congressmen tout the value of the men and women of the 121st Air Refueling Wing and the capabilities at Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base, stating, “The men and women of the 121st Air Refueling Wing continue a lineage of proud service to our national defense spanning over seventy years.  These Guardsmen stand ready to fulfill any mission assigned to them, and have a proven track record of exemplary performance in the air refueling mission.  The Guardsmen have provided superior support to operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere around the world.  Following the Libya no-fly zone UN resolution, the 121st was among the first units to respond within hours to rapidly developing tanker requirements.”

In addition, they highlight the geographical advantage the 121st has to offer, pointing out that, “Rickenbacker AGS is well located to provide responsive support to the significant demand for aerial refueling in the eastern United States and in particular the heavy concentration of fighter and cargo aircraft in the southeast states.”

Even more, Rickenbacker AGS’ existing infrastructure and strong support from the local community make it well-suited to accept the 12 KC-46A aircraft.

Full text of the letter is below.

January 25, 2013

The Honorable Michael B. Donley

Secretary of the Air Force

1670 Air Force Pentagon

Washington, DC 20330


General Mark A. Welsh

Chief of Staff

United States Air Force

1670 Air Force Pentagon

Washington, D.C. 20330


Dear Secretary Donley and General Welsh,


As the Air Force examines candidate bases for the initial fielding of the KC-46A, we want to express our strong support for the Ohio Air National Guard’s 121st Air Refueling Wing based at Rickenbacker Air Guard Station (AGS).   The proven performance of the unit, in combination with the location, infrastructure, and community associated with the site, would give this location unique benefit to the Air Force.  We ask full consideration be given to Rickenbacker AGS as you move forward in selecting a primary and alternate site, and eventually making a final basing decision. 


The men and women of the 121st Air Refueling Wing continue a lineage of proud service to our national defense spanning over seventy years.  These Guardsmen stand ready to fulfill any mission assigned to them, and have a proven track record of exemplary performance in the air refueling mission.  The Guardsmen have provided superior support to operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere around the world.  Following the Libya no-fly zone UN resolution, the 121st was among the first units to respond within hours to rapidly developing tanker requirements. 


The KC-135 crews at Rickenbacker AGS consistently demonstrate their superior performance as the only Air National Guard unit to compete in the biannual Air Mobility Command Rodeo, winning multiple awards over the past five years for Best KC-135 Aircrew, Air Refueling, and Cargo Loading across the Air Force. 

Geographically, Rickenbacker AGS is well located to provide responsive support to the significant demand for aerial refueling in the eastern United States and in particular the heavy concentration of fighter and cargo aircraft in the southeast states.  


Rickenbacker AGS is well-positioned to accept 12 KC-46A aircraft, with the base’s infrastructure currently supporting 18 KC-135R aircraft.  The local community is a strong supporter of the base and the resident Airmen.  Additionally, the low local area costs and availability of community amenities make Rickenbacker AGS well-suited to host an active association unit. 


We believe that the proven performance and wealth of experience at the 121st, Rickenbacker’s outstanding facilities, and the strong local and statewide support enjoyed by the unit make it an ideal location for a KC-46A Main Operating Base.  We encourage you to give Rickenbacker AGS every consideration as you make your decision in the months ahead. 


Thank you for your service to our nation and for your consideration of this request. 


Press Contact

(Brown) 202-224-3978

(Portman) 202-224-5190