About the Cover

Igniting Industry

Volume 44, Number 3, 2011 of the ORNL Review is
available here in Adobe PDF format (5.49 Mb)

Volume 44, Number 3, 2011 - Igniting Industry

Front Cover: Cover design by LeJean Hardin.

This issue of the ORNL Review illustrates how we are leveraging public and private resources to strengthen our research portfolio and accelerate the translation of innovation to the marketplace. The front cover shows the simulation of a fuel jet flame created on ORNL's Jaguar supercomputer by Jacqueline Chen and Chun Sang Yoo of Sandia National Laboratories and Ramanan Sankaran of ORNL.

Back Cover:

Editor—Jim Pearce
Writers—Deborah Counce, John Kirkley, Morgan McCorkle, Jim Pearce
Designer—LeJean Hardin
Technical Editors—Deborah Counce, Walter Koncinski
Illustrator—Andy Sproles
Photographers—Jason Richards
Web developer—Dennis Hovey
Stock images—iStockphoto™

Editorial office telephone: 865.574.4160
Editorial office fax: 865.574.0595
Email: ornlreview@ornl.gov

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ORNL Review Volume 44, Number 3, 2011