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Layer Mean Virtual Temperature - NOAA 15

12 - 24 Z

To Select an Archive Date:

7 - 10 mb
7 - 10 mb
10 - 20 mb
10 - 20 mb
20 - 30 mb
20 - 30 mb
30 - 50 mb
30 - 50 mb
50 - 70 mb
50 - 70 mb
70 - 100 mb
70 - 100 mb
100 - 150 mb
100 - 150 mb
150 - 200 mb
150 - 200 mb
200 - 250 mb
200 - 250 mb
250 - 300 mb
250 - 300 mb
300 - 400 mb
300 - 400 mb
400 - 500 mb
400 - 500 mb
500 - 700 mb
500 - 700 mb
700 - 850 mb
700 - 850 mb
850 - 1000 mb
850 - 1000 mb

NOTE: Stars indicate where product no longer exists due to the HIRS failure on NOAA-15

There are two time periods available for each group of data:

  • Time period 1 covers from 00z to 12z of the current day.
  • Time period 2 covers from 12z to 24z of the current day.

The data are separated into the following groups:


  • Layer Mean Virtual Temperature - 15 layers of mean virtual temperature measured from 7-10 mb to 850-1000 mb.

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Data and imagery displayed on these pages are not official NOAA or NESDIS operational products and are provided only for the purposes of demonstrative and experimental use by qualified remote sensing researchers or experienced meteorologists and oceanographers. Although we provide "operational" data streams for some of these products, the Internet is not considered to be an operational means of dissemination. Therefore, this service may be interrupted or canceled at any time without notice. Anyone is free to use the images or information as they wish, as long as credit is given to the NOAA/NESDIS Office of Satellite Data Proces sing and Distribution (OSDPD) Center.

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