Online Courses

The Academy's distance-learning programs bring relevant courses to the widest possible community of practitioners, students, and academics. Foreign language versions extend the Academy's online reach around the world. Electronic certificates will be sent upon successful completion of our courses, both the online and on-campus ones.

These interactive courses include case studies as well as numerous media clips culled from extensive interviews conducted with Institute trainers, other noted specialists, grassroots organizers, military professionals, and individuals who were personally affected by the conflicts.

Practitioners, instructors, and students: Do you use our online courses for your organization or class? We would like to hear from you. Let us know how you use our courses!

The Conflict Analysis course is also available in عربي (Arabic), فارسی (Farsi), and Español (Spanish). The Interfaith Conflict Resolution course is also available in Arabic.




Introduction to Conflict Analysis: Provides an introduction to the theory and practice of conflict analysis by illustrating analytical tools used, with reference to two extended case studies, the conflict in Kosovo and the genocide in Rwanda.



Introduction to Negotiation and Conflict Management: Provides a thorough conceptual framework to help practitioners structure their efforts in negotiation and develop effective overall negotiating strategies, as well as keys to successful negotiation and practical steps to help you negotiate more effectively in real-world situations.



Introduction to Interfaith Conflict Resolution: This course is designed to enhance the peacemaking capacities of individuals and faith-based organizations by focusing on objectives, methods, and best practices of interfaith dialogue, a form of religious peacemaking increasingly recognized for its relevance to 21st century conflict.



Introduction to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe: Originally developed to provide training for U.S. candidates for positions with OSCE, and its Rapid Expert Assistance and Cooperation Teams (REACT) in particular, the course describes OSCE's principal areas of operation, including Eastern Europe, Southeastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus.



See also our on-campus courses: