Anti-Corruption Commission Gains Expertise from USAID's Inspector General Agents/ Komisaun Anti-Korupsaun Hetan Esperiénsia husi USAID nia Ajente Inspetór Jeral

The USAID-MCC anticorruption project took advantage of the presence of USAID Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigators in Dili to share their expertise with the independent Anti-Corruption Commission on the challenges of handling internal fraud and corruption investigations. The OIG special agents worked directly with Commission investigators and offered investigative assistance on cases of mutual interest within Timor-Leste. The Commission invited the special agents to return in the future to provide further investigations training.

Projetu anti-korupsaun USAID-MCC nian hetan vantajen husi prezensa investigadór USAID nia Inspetór Jeral (OIG) iha Dili atu fahe sira nia esperiénsia ho Komisaun Anti-Korupsaun kona-bá dezafiu sira bainhira hare bá asuntu fraude no investigasaun korupsaun. Ajente espesiál husi OIG servisu hamutuk ho Komisaun nia investigadór sira no oferese asistênsia kona-bá investigasaun iha kazu sira ne’ebé iha interese hamutuk iha Timor-Leste. Komisaun konvida ajente espesiál sira atu fila fali iha future hodi fornese formasaun klean kona-bá investigasaun.