The Office of Safety, Security and Infrastructure provides program management, operational support and analysis, planning and policy execution for the Office of Science in the following areas:

Laboratory Modernization

SSI ensures the continued mission readiness of the ten Office of Science (SC) National Laboratories through the Science Laboratories Infrastructure program. This program has an annual budget of over $100 million and includes a portfolio of capital construction projects to:

  • Provide the modern laboratory infrastructure needed to deliver the advances in science our Nation requires to remain competitive in the 21st century
  • Correct longstanding deficiencies to ensure laboratory infrastructure provides a safe, quality workplace.

Facilities and Infrastructure

The Facilities and Infrastructure Division is the SC focal point for facilities and infrastructure policy, planning, and performance, including SC efforts related to Sustainability. The Division is also the principle SC liaison with the Office of Environmental Management on excess facilities and waste management matters, and with the Office of Engineering and Construction Management on facilities and infrastructure policy.

Safeguards and Security

The Safeguards and Security Division ensures appropriate levels of protection at SC National Laboratories to avoid adverse impacts on fundamental science, national security, or to employees and the public. This program is implemented through an annual budget of over $80 million. The Safeguard and Security Division is SC's principle liaison with the Office of Health, Safety and Security on matters related to security policy, and serves as the SC Headquarters Security Officer.

Environment, Safety and Health

The Environment, Safety and Health Division provides technical expertise to SC managers and programs in the areas of non-nuclear safety, integrated safety management, fire protection, chemical safety and industrial hygiene, environmental protection, accelerator safety, and quality assurance. This Division is the principle SC liaison with the Office of Health, Safety and Security on policy matters related to safety and the environment.

Last modified: 12/26/2012 11:36:54 AM