Economy & Business

Mozambique map

Illegal Logging Costs Mozambique, Other Countries

A London-based NGO says Mozambique's plight is part of a global problem More

An Egyptian holds a piece of bread to protest against the high prices of goods in Tahrir Square in Cairo, February 8, 2013.

Video Egyptians Reeling from Post-Revolution Economic Woes

Instability keeps foreign investors away, as well as tourists, a major revenue source More

Emergency workers in attendance at the scene of a collision between two passenger trains near Pretoria, South Africa, January 31, 2013.

South Africa Cable Theft Hampers Economy

Cable theft is estimated to cost more than half a billion dollars to the South African economy every year More

A woman harvests roses in a greenhouse at the ET Highland Flora flower farm, just outside Addis Ababa, Ethiopian, February 2008.

Ethiopian Flower Exporters Cash In on Valentine's Day

Over last decade, African nation's floral industry has grown from nothing to dominant player in global market More

A man rides a motorcycle past a signboard for the Cambodia Iron Group at the Rovieng District in Preah Vihear province, February 10, 2013.

Cambodia's $11 Billion Mystery

Proposals to build infrastructure in remote Rovieng for extraction of iron ore bolsters country's reputation as an agent for Chinese expansionism More

More Economy & Business News

European Leaders Welcome US Free-Trade Plan

President Obama pushes for trans-Atlantic deal that could change US and EU relations

Video Obama Takes Economic Message on Road

President kicks off series of trips to win support for economic plan he presented Tuesday in his State of the Union address

Rubio Stresses Free Economy in Response to Obama

Senator Marco Rubio emphasized benefits of 'free enterprise economy' to grow nation's middle class

Egypt's Islamists Say Clerics Must Approve IMF Loan

Main hardline party says agreement requires approval of a body of Muslim scholars under the new constitution

Photogallery Ireland’s Magdalenes Seek Amends for Years of Forced Labor

Labor Party calling for official apology, compensation for survivors of workhouses run by Roman Catholic nuns through most of the past century

Bahrain Air Closes Down, Blames Political Unrest

Airline says government broke pledge to compensate it for unrest and is now requiring it to make immediate payments on debts to the state

G7 Moves to Defuse Currency War Fears

Statement from top economic officials of the G7 nations say they remain committed to letting market forces set currency values

Entrepreneurial Afghan Women Move Forward

Graduates of Thunderbird's Project Artemis now employ over 2,000 women and men

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Video EU Claims That Crisis Is Over Premature, Analysts Warn

European financial markets were mixed Monday after the budget deal struck by EU leaders Friday, which will see overall spending cut for the first time. Several European leaders have suggested in recent weeks that the continent is emerging from the euro crisis. But analysts warn politics could be about to blow the fledgling recovery off course. Henry Ridgwell reports from London.

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