Andrei Fluerasu

Associate Physicist
Group Leader, Coherent Hard X-ray Scattering
Photon Division, Photon Science Directorate
fluerasu "at" bnl "dot" gov

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Andrei Fluerasu is an Associate Physicist in the Photon Sciences Directorate at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He is the group leader for the Coherent Hard X-ray (CHX) beamline at the NSLS-II light source. The CHX beamline specializes in studies of dynamics of materials such as colloids, polymers, gels and glasses, soft matter surfaces and interfaces, proteins. Andrei's responsibility consist in managing all aspects of the design, construction, and commissioning of the CHX beamline, and in developing the associated R&D program, and the users community.

Andrei's research focuses on the study of nanoscale dynamics in complex soft-matter and biological materials using coherent X-ray scattering. His current work has two primary research areas:

Dynamics in complex fluids under shear X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS) is combined with microfluidic techniques to simultaneously measure the macroscopic advective response to flow/shear and the microscopic dissipative dynamics in complex fluids under shear flow. This new experimental technique also reduces the risk of beam-induced damage and allows the study of beam-sensitive soft-matter or biological systems.

Dynamics in protein crystals Protein actions are usually described in terms of their static structure but biological function requires motion. There is growing evidence that proteins and other macromolecules may have evolved to take functional advantage not only of mean conformational states but also of the inevitable fluctuations about the mean. Here we propose a novel method to measure dynamics in protein crystals from speckle patterns in the diffuse scattering around crystalline Bragg peaks.



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