
Former Ukrainian Prime Minister and opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko speaks during an interview in Kiev, Ukraine (File Photo)

Ukraine's Tymoshenko Faces Turbulent Murder Trial

Thursday she was fined for not appearing at Kyiv court while riot police pushed protesters out of courtroom More

Demonstrators shout slogans, march with placards to protest the government's plans on a new abortion law, Istanbul, June 17, 2012.

Turkish Women's Groups Gird for Abortion Rights Battle

Pro-choice advocates accuse Ankara of a politicized campaign to systematically curtail abortions to check plummetting birth rate More

Court sketch made on October 2, 2012 by artist Marco Vaglieri shows Sadi Bugingo, the suspect in the Rwandan genocide case.

Norway Court Finds Rwandan Guilty of Participating in Genocide

Sadi Bugingo convicted of masterminding murder of around 2,000 people in 1994 genocide, sentenced to a maximum 21 years in prison More

Charles Massa, a butcher, prepares horsemeat in his horse butchery shop, Nice, France, Feb. 14, 2013.

UK: Horse Drug May Have Entered Food Chain

British Food Standards Agency says eight of 206 horses it checked had tested positive for phenylbutazone, commonly known as bute More

Pope Benedict XVI sprinkles ashes on Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone (C) during the Ash Wednesday mass at the Vatican February 13, 2013.

Video Pope's Resignation Could be Turning Point for Church

Benedict's retirement opens way for church leaders to move toward controversial reforms More

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Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson says that ethnicity and race should have no role in selection of a pope

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Purported Proof Found for 'Original' Mona Lisa

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Video Pope's Resignation Could be Turning Point for Church

The resignation of Pope Benedict XVI marks a turning point for the 1.2 billion-member global Roman Catholic Church. But VOA's Al Pessin reports from Rome that if history is any guide, the turn will likely be gradual.