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The work platform for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Foundation Remediation Project can be seen on the embankment of Wolf Creek Dam May 1, 2012.  The contractor, Treviicos-Soletanche J.V., reached one million hours without a lost-time accident Aug. 17, 2012, an amazing safety record that has helped keep the project on schedule for completion in December 2013. (USACE photo by Lee Roberts)

The work platform for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Foundation Remediation Project can be seen on the embankment of Wolf Creek Dam May 1, 2012. The contractor, Treviicos-Soletanche J.V., reached one million hours without a lost-time accident Aug. 17, 2012, an amazing safety record that has helped keep the project on schedule for completion in December 2013. (USACE photo by Lee Roberts) (Photo by Lee Roberts)

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Wolf Creek Dam, Lake Cumberland, Ky.

FACT SHEET (As of August 2012)

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  Wolf Creek Dam,

        Lake Cumberland, KY

US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS                                                      BUILDING STRONG®

                                                                            FACT SHEET

                                                                       (As of August 2012)

AUTHORIZATION: Flood Control Act of 1938 (PL 75-761) and the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1946 (PL 79-525).

Statistical Data


Type:                                                  Concrete-gravity and earthfill


    Max Height, feet......................................................................258

    Length, feet (concrete, 1796; earth 3940)...........................5,736

Elevations (above mean sea level):

    Top of dam.............................................................................773

    Top of gates...........................................................................760

    Spillway crest..........................................................................723


    Concrete, cubic yards...................................................1,380,000

    Earthfill, cubic yards....................................................10,016,500

Spillway crest gates:

    Number and type..........................................................10, Radial

    Size (width and height), feet..............................................50 x 37

    Discharge capacity, c.f.s..................................................553,000


    Number of conduits.....................................................................6

    Size (width and height, feet...................................................4 x 6

    Total discharge capacity, c.f.s.............................................9,800

Hydro Power

Installation....................................................270,000 kw. in 6 units

Rating each generator, kw................................................45,000

Estimated energy output, average yearly kwh.......800,000,000


Drainage area,square miles.................................................5,789

Area, acres:

    Top of Flood-control pool (El. 760)....................................63,530

    Maximum power pool (El. 723)...........................................50,250

    Minimum power pool (El. 673)............................................35,820

Storage capacities, acre-feet:

    Flood control (El. 760-723)...........................................2,094,000 

    Power drawdown (El. 723-673).....................................2,142,000

    Dead (below El. 673)....................................................1,853,000

    Total (below El. 760).....................................................6,089,000

Length of pool at El. 760, river miles.....................................101

Shoreline, pool at El. 760, miles...........................................1,255

TYPE OF PROJECT: Hydropower, Flood and Coastal Storm Damage Reduction, Recreation, Environmental Stewardship, Water Supply .

LOCATION: Wolf Creek Dam and Lake Cumberland is located in Wayne, Russell, Pulaski, Clinton, McCreary, Laurel, and Whitley counties in Southeastern Kentucky on the Cumberland River.  The dam site is at river mile 460.9 or about 10 miles southwest of Jamestown, Kentucky.  Lake Cumberland is a multi-purpose project designed for flood risk management and hydropower.

CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Rogers (KY-5), Whitfield (KY-1), McConnell (KY), Paul (KY), Alexander (TN), Corker (TN)

BACKGROUND: Wolf Creek Dam consists of an earth & concrete gravity-type dam, hydropower plant with six generators and ten spillway gates.  Lake Cumberland has 1,255 miles of shoreline and a flood storage reservoir of 2,094,000 acre-feet.

Visitation FY 2011:

3,870,312 visitors

WOL/R Contracting

FY 2010-11:

·Service Contract - $1,246,027.98

·Campgroup Park Attendant-$44,585

WOL/P Contracting

FY 2010-11:

·Sluice Gate Hydraulic Equipment - $108,975.00

·Replace CO2 System - $379,794.00

·Unit Temperature Recorders - $56,760.00

·Mowing Services -


·Total value of services - $615,529.00

Number of Recreation Areas

Corps: (7)

Other: (7)

BUDGET ($): Estimated project costs are shown below.


Federal Funds Data


     Allocation for FY 2012


     President’s Budget for FY 2013



FY 2011 ACTIVITIES:  Operation and maintenance of dam and hydropower plant, recreation and environmental stewardship areas.  Major maintenance includes. (1) The Dam (ranked Class 1 Dam Safety priority Corps-wide) is experiencing significant seepage through the earthen embankment foundation.  Lake elevation is being maintained at lower than normal levels to reduce hydraulic pressure on the foundation.  There are significant impacts to all authorized project purposes due to the pool operating restrictions.  This project has extremely high public recreational use with over 3.5 million visitors. (2) Rehabilitation of the hydraulic sluice gate control equipment.  The sluice gates are lower gates within the dam structure that draws water twenty feet off the bottom of the lake.  These gates serve as additional means to pass water and assist with water quality in the river.  (3) Replaced the existing generator CO2 fire protection system with a modern low pressure system. (4) The mowing services for Wolf Creek dam is not only for appearance for the recreation user but serves as a vital service to assist with the dam safety efforts.     


For more information regarding the Laurel River Lake, KY contact Tom Hale CELRN-OP-EKY-A, Phone (606) 679-6337,



Alexander (TN) Concrete-gravity and earthfill Dam Corker (TN) Corps Corps of Engineers Dam Flood Storage Hydropower Jamestown Kentucky Lake Cumberland McConnell (KY) Nashville District Paul (KY) Rogers (KY-5) Sluicing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Whitfield (KY-1) Wolf Creek Dam