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Latest Trade Event(s):


U.S. Pavilion at TiGiS 2012

October 8-12, 2012

U.S. Commercial Service Taipei invites you to participate in the USA Pavilion at the Taiwan International Green Industry Show (TiGiS) and as a presentor at our Sustainable Development Conference.

For more information, click here.


U.S. Pavilion at TIBE 2013

January 30- February 4, 2013

The Taipei International Book Exhibition (TIBE) is one of the largest annual trade shows for the publishing industry in Asia. TIBE2013 will take place January 30-February 4, 2013 at the Taipei World Trade Exhibition Halls with a focus on promoting books, digital content, audio/video content including film, as well as selling publishing & licensing rights. It will be an excellent opportunity for U.S. publishers, authors, agents, booksellers, content providers and publishing service providers to promote their products and meet buyers in the region. If you are unable to attend, the USA Pavilion staff along with the American Institute in Taiwan will help in generating interest for your content.

For more information, click here.