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All Current Directives | By Series  |  Subject Index   | Recently Issued Final

ID Title Description Type OPI Issue Date
DOE O 100.1E DOE Directive DOE O 100.1E, Secretarial Succession, Threat Level Notification, and Successor Tracking The order establishes the DOE Secretarial Order of Succession and a mechanism for tracking the locations of successors at various threat levels. Cancels DOE O 1... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2013012900:00:00 Jan 29, 2013
DOE P 111.1 DOE Directive DOE P 111.1, Departmental Organization Management System Public Law 95-91, 42 United States Code 7101, Department of Energy Organization Act, Section 642 gives to the Secretary of the Department of Energy the responsi... Policy HC - Office of Human Capital Management, SC - Office of Science 1996082700:00:00 Aug 27, 1996
DOE G 120.1-5 DOE Directive DOE G 120.1-5, Guidelines for Performance Measurement Guidelines for assessing performance, expectations and outcomes. Does not cancel other directives. Guide CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 1996063000:00:00 Jun 30, 1996
DOE O 130.1 DOE Directive DOE O 130.1, Budget Formulation DOE N 251.45, dated 5/29/02, extends this directive until 5/1/03. Cancels DOE 5100.3, DOE 5100.4, DOE 5100.5, DOE 5100.6A. Order CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 1995092900:00:00 Sep 29, 1995
DOE M 135.1-1A DOE Directive DOE M 135.1-1A, Department of Energy Budget Execution Funds Distribution and Control Manual The Manual provides the user with a single source for references, definitions, and procedural requirements for distributing and controlling Department of Energy... Manual CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 2006010900:00:00 Jan 09, 2006
DOE O 135.1A DOE Directive DOE O 135.1A, Budget Execution Funds Distribution and Control The Order describes Department of Energy systems, requirements, and assignment of responsibilities for control of the Department budget execution process. Cance... Order CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 2006010900:00:00 Jan 09, 2006
DOE O 137.1B DOE Directive DOE O 137.1B, Plan for Operating in the Event of a Lapse in Appropriations The order established plans and procedures for continuing operations during a lapse in appropriations. Cancels DOE O 137.1A Order CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 2011093000:00:00 Sep 30, 2011
DOE P 140.1 DOE Directive DOE P 140.1, Natural Resource Damage Assessment Cooperation and Integration The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C. 9601, et seq., Executive Order 12580, and CERCLA's implementing re... Policy EM - Office of Environmental Management 2012061900:00:00 Jun 19, 2012
DOE M 140.1-1B DOE Directive DOE M 140.1-1B, Interface with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board This Manual presents the process the Department of Energy will use to interface with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) and its staff. Cancels ... Manual HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2001033000:00:00 Mar 30, 2001
DOE P 141.1 DOE Directive DOE P 141.1, Department of Energy Management of Cultural Resources The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that Department of Energy (DOE) programs, including the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), and field eleme... Policy HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2001050200:00:00 May 02, 2001
DOE O 142.2A DOE Directive DOE O 142.2A, Voluntary Offer Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol with the International Atomic Energy Agency The Order defines requirements for Department of Energy (DOE) compliance with the Agreement between the United States of America and the International Atomic En... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2006121500:00:00 Dec 15, 2006
DOE M 142.2-1 DOE Directive DOE M 142.2-1, Manual for Implementation of the Voluntary Offer Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol with the International Atomic Energy Agency This Manual provides detailed information for implementing the requirements of DOE O 142.2A, dated 12-15-06; the Agreement Between the United States of America ... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2008090400:00:00 Sep 04, 2008
DOE O 142.3A DOE Directive DOE O 142.3A, Unclassified Foreign Visits and Assignments Program The order defines a program for unclassified foreign national access to DOE sites, information, technologies, and equipment. Cancels DOE O 142.3. Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2010101400:00:00 Oct 14, 2010
DOE O 142.4 DOE Directive DOE O 142.4, International Commitments Management This Order establishes a process to manage the Department's International Commitments under the administrative direction of the Office of Policy and Internation... Order PI - Office of Policy and International Affairs 2008111802:00:00 Nov 18, 2008
DOE O 142.5 DOE Directive DOE O 142.5, Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States The order establishes the requirements and responsibilities for DOE in meeting its statutory obligations for the review of covered transactions filed with the C... Order PI - Office of Policy and International Affairs 2010100800:00:00 Oct 08, 2010
DOE O 143.1 DOE Directive DOE O 143.1, Payments in Lieu of Taxes "To establish general Department of Energy (DOE) procedures and responsibilities with regard to processing applications for payments in lieu of taxes (PILT) to ... Order CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 2003050800:00:00 May 08, 2003
DOE O 144.1 DOE Directive DOE O 144.1, Admin Chg 1, Department of Energy American Indian Tribal Government Interactions and Policy This Order communicates Departmental, programmatic, and field responsibilities for interacting with American Indian Governments and transmits the Department of ... Order CI - Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Afairs 2009011600:00:00 Jan 16, 2009
DOE O 150.1 DOE Directive DOE O 150.1, Continuity Programs The order provides requirements and responsibilities to ensure that the Department is ready to respond promptly, efficiently, and effectively to a continuity ev... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2008050800:00:00 May 08, 2008
DOE O 151.1C DOE Directive DOE O 151.1C, Comprehensive Emergency Management System The Order establishes policy and assigns roles and responsibilities for the Department of Energy (DOE) Emergency Management System. Cancels DOE O 151.1B. Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2005110200:00:00 Nov 02, 2005
DOE M 151.1-1 DOE Directive DOE M 151.1-1, Power Marketing Administration Emergency Management Program Manual This Manual establishes emergency management policy and requirements for emergency planning, preparedness, readiness assurance, and response for the Department'... Manual NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2008091800:00:00 Sep 18, 2008
DOE G 151.1-1A DOE Directive DOE G 151.1-1A, Emergency Management Fundamentals and the Operational Emergency Base Program The Guide provides information about the emergency management fundamentals imbedded in the requirements of DOE O 151.1C, as well as acceptable methods of meetin... Guide NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2007071100:00:00 Jul 11, 2007
DOE G 151.1-2 DOE Directive DOE G 151.1-2, Technical Planning Basis The Guide assists DOE/NNSA field elements and operating contractors in identifying and analyzing hazards at facilities and sites to provide the technical planni... Guide NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2007071100:00:00 Jul 11, 2007
DOE G 151.1-3 DOE Directive DOE G 151.1-3, Programmatic Elements The Guide provides acceptable methods of meeting the requirements of DOE O 151.1C for programmatic elements that sustain the emergency management program and ma... Guide NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2007071100:00:00 Jul 11, 2007
DOE G 151.1-4 DOE Directive DOE G 151.1-4, Response Elements The Guide provides acceptable methods for meeting the requirement of DOE O 151.1C for response elements that respond or contribute to response as needed in an e... Guide NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2007071100:00:00 Jul 11, 2007
DOE G 151.1-5 DOE Directive DOE G 151.1-5, Biosafety Facilities The Guide assists DOE/NNSA field elements and operating contractors in incorporating hazardous biological agents/toxins into emergency management programs, as r... Guide NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2007071100:00:00 Jul 11, 2007
DOE O 153.1 DOE Directive DOE O 153.1, Departmental Radiological Emergency Response Assets The order establishes requirements and responsibilities for the DOE/NNSA national radiological emergency response assets and capabilities and Nuclear Emergency ... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2007062700:00:00 Jun 27, 2007
DOE O 200.1A DOE Directive DOE O 200.1A, Information Technology Management The Order identifies the objectives, components, and responsibilities for implementing processes to ensure the effective management of information and informati... Order IM - Information Management 2008122300:00:00 Dec 23, 2008
DOE M 200.1-1 Chapter 9 DOE Directive DOE M 200.1-1 Chapter 9, Public Key Cryptography and Key Management The use and management of certificate-based public key cryptography for the Department of Energy (DOE) requires the establishment of a public key infrastructure... Manual IM - Information Management 2000021500:00:00 Feb 15, 2000
DOE O 200.2 DOE Directive DOE O 200.2, Information Collection Management Program This Order sets forth DOE requirements and responsibilities for implementing the information collection management provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of ... Order IM - Information Management 2006101100:00:00 Oct 11, 2006
DOE O 203.1 DOE Directive DOE O 203.1, Limited Personal Use Of Government Office Equipment Including Information Technology The Order establishes requirements and assigns responsibilities for employees' limited personal use of Government resources (office equipment and other resource... Order IM - Information Management 2005010700:00:00 Jan 07, 2005
DOE P 205.1 DOE Directive DOE P 205.1, Departmental Cyber Security Management Policy The Departmental Cyber Security Management (DCSM) Policy was developed to further clarify and support the elements of the Integrated Safeguards and Security Man... Policy IM - Information Management 2001050800:00:00 May 08, 2001
DOE O 205.1B, Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 205.1B, Admin Chg 1, Department of Energy Cyber Security Program The order sets forth requirements and responsibilities for a Departmental Cyber Security Program that protects information and information systems for DOE. Canc... Order IM - Information Management 2011051600:00:00 May 16, 2011
DOE O 206.1 DOE Directive DOE O 206.1, Department of Energy Privacy Program The order establishes Departmental implementation of agency statutory and regulatory requirements for privacy, specifically those provided in the Privacy Act of... Order MA - Office of Management 2009011600:00:00 Jan 16, 2009
DOE O 206.2 DOE Directive DOE O 206.2, Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) To establish requirements and responsibilities for DOE identity, credential, and access management program. Order IM - Information Management 2013021900:00:00 Feb 19, 2013
DOE O 210.2A DOE Directive DOE O 210.2A, DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program The Order institutes a DOE wide program for the management of operating experience to prevent adverse operating incidents and facilitate the sharing of good wor... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011040800:00:00 Apr 08, 2011
DOE O 221.1A DOE Directive DOE O 221.1A, Reporting Fraud, Waste and Abuse to the Office of Inspector General The order sets forth requirements and responsibilities for reporting fraud, waste, abuse, misuse, corruption, criminal acts, or mismanagement to the DOE Office ... Order IG - Office of Inspector General 2008041900:00:00 Apr 19, 2008
DOE O 221.2A DOE Directive DOE O 221.2A, Cooperation with the Office of Inspector General To establish responsibilities and requirements for cooperating with the Department of Energy Office of Inspector General. Cancels DOE O 221.2. Order IG - Office of Inspector General 2008022500:00:00 Feb 25, 2008
DOE O 221.3A DOE Directive DOE O 221.3A, Establishment of Management Decisions on Office of Inspector General Reports The order establishes the responsibilities and requirements for Department of Energy elements to make management decisions on Office of Inspector General audits... Order IG - Office of Inspector General 2008041900:00:00 Apr 19, 2008
DOE O 224.2A DOE Directive DOE O 224.2A, Auditing of Programs and Operations To set forth audit requirements and responsibilities for the promotion of economy and efficiency in the administration of or the prevention or detection of frau... Order IG - Office of Inspector General 2007110900:00:00 Nov 09, 2007
DOE O 224.3 DOE Directive DOE O 224.3, Audit Resolution and Follow-Up Program This Order establishes requirements and responsibilities for the management of open audits, findings, and recommendations. Cancels DOE 2300.1B. Order CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 2005012400:00:00 Jan 24, 2005
DOE O 225.1B DOE Directive DOE O 225.1B, Accident Investigations This Order prescribes organizational responsibilities, authorities, and requirements for conducting investigations of certain accidents occurring at DOE sites, ... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011030400:00:00 Mar 04, 2011
DOE P 226.1B DOE Directive DOE P 226.1B, Department of Energy Oversight Policy The Policy establishes a Department-wide oversight process to protect the public, workers, environment, and national security assets effectively through continu... Policy HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011042500:00:00 Apr 25, 2011
DOE O 226.1B DOE Directive DOE O 226.1B, Implementation of Department of Energy Oversight Policy This Order implements the policy that establishes a Department-wide oversight process to protect the public, workers, environment, and national security assets ... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011042500:00:00 Apr 25, 2011
DOE G 226.1-2 DOE Directive DOE G 226.1-2, Federal Line Management Oversight of Department of Energy Nuclear Facilities The purpose of this Guide is to provide U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) line management with guidance that may be useful to them in effectively and efficiently ... Guide HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2012062100:00:00 Jun 21, 2012
DOE O 227.1 DOE Directive DOE O 227.1, Independent Oversight Program The order prescribes the requirements and responsibilities for the DOE Independent Oversight Program. Cancels DOE O 470.2B. Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011083000:00:00 Aug 30, 2011
DOE O 231.1B, Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 231.1B, Admin Chg 1, Environment, Safety and Health Reporting The order addresses DOE/NNSA receiving timely, accurate information about events that have affected or could adversely affect the health, safety and security of... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011062700:00:00 Jun 27, 2011
DOE O 232.2 DOE Directive DOE O 232.2, Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information The order promotes organizational learning consistent with DOE’s Integrated Safety Management System goal of enhancing mission safety, and sharing effective p... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011083000:00:00 Aug 30, 2011
DOE O 241.1B DOE Directive DOE O 241.1B, Scientific and Technical Information Management The purpose of this directive is to ensure that STI is appropriately managed as part of the DOE mission to enable the advancement of scientific knowledge and te... Order OSTI 2010121300:00:00 Dec 13, 2010
DOE G 242.1-1 DOE Directive DOE G 242.1-1, Forms Management Guide for use with DOE O 200.1, Information Management Program Provides guidance for the development, analysis, approval, and management of forms in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). No cancellations. Guide IM - Information Management 2000050800:00:00 May 08, 2000
DOE O 243.1A DOE Directive DOE O 243.1A, Records Management Program To set forth requirements and responsibilities for making and preserving records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, po... Order IM - Information Management 2011110700:00:00 Nov 07, 2011
DOE O 243.2 DOE Directive DOE O 243.2, Vital Records The Order establishes Department-wide requirements, roles and responsibilities for implementing and maintaining a Vital Records program as required by the Feder... Order IM - Information Management 2006020202:00:00 Feb 02, 2006
DOE O 251.1C DOE Directive DOE O 251.1C, Departmental Directives Program To define requirements and responsibilities for implementing the Department of Energy (DOE) Directives Program in support of the Secretary's memorandum of Septe... Order MA - Office of Management 2009011500:00:00 Jan 15, 2009
DOE O 252.1A DOE Directive DOE O 252.1A, Technical Standards Program The Order promotes DOE's use of Voluntary Consensus Standards (VCS) as the primary method for application of technical standards and establishes and manages the... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011022300:00:00 Feb 23, 2011
DOE P 310.1 Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE P 310.1 Admin Chg 1, Maximum Entry and Mandatory Separation Ages for Certain Security Employees The policy establishes the DOE policy on maximum entry and mandatory separation ages for primary or secondary positions covered under special statutory retireme... Policy HC - Office of Human Capital Management 2001101100:00:00 Oct 11, 2001
DOE O 311.1B DOE Directive DOE O 311.1B, Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Program Provides a centralized, comprehensive source of information for DOE/NNSA employees and applicants regarding the requirements of the Department's equal employmen... Order ED - Office of Economic Impact and Diversity 2003021200:00:00 Feb 12, 2003
DOE O 313.1 DOE Directive DOE O 313.1, Management and Funding of the Department's Overseas Presence This Order establishes Department of Energy (DOE), including the National Nuclear Security Administration, requirements and responsibilities governing DOE's Ove... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2009111900:00:00 Nov 19, 2009
DOE O 314.1 DOE Directive DOE O 314.1, DOE-FLEX: DOE’s Telework Program The order establishes the requirements and responsibilities for the Departments telework program. Cancels DOE N 314.1. Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 2013021100:00:00 Feb 11, 2013
DOE O 320.1 Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 320.1 Chg 1, Acquiring and Positioning Human Resources To establish requirements and responsibilities when sending employees on details outside the Department, determining probationary periods for managers and super... Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 2002090600:00:00 Sep 06, 2002
DOE O 321.1 DOE Directive DOE O 321.1, Employment of Experts and Consultants To maintain a system of controls and oversight necessary for the DOE to assure compliance with 5, U.S.C. Section 3109, "Employment of Experts and Consultants, T... Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 2006110600:00:00 Nov 06, 2006
DOE M 321.1-1 DOE Directive DOE M 321.1-1, Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignments This Manual implements provisions of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) within the Department of Energy (DOE) and establishes requirements, responsibilit... Manual HC - Office of Human Capital Management 2000082402:00:00 Aug 24, 2000
DOE O 322.1C Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 322.1C Admin Chg 1, Pay and Leave Administration and Hours of Duty The order establishes requirements and responsibilities for the management of pay, including overtime pay and compensatory time, leave administration, time and ... Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 2011011900:00:00 Jan 19, 2011
DOE O 323.1 Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 323.1 Admin Chg 1, Garnishment of Federal Employees' Pay The Order prescribes procedures for collecting from an employee's pay those amounts subject to legal process brought for enforcement of the employee's legal obl... Order CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 2004080100:00:00 Aug 01, 2004
DOE O 326.1 DOE Directive DOE O 326.1, Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports (OGE 450) The directive establishes requirements and responsibilities for Departmental elements and employees regarding filing Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports (... Order GC - Office of the General Counsel 2008120900:00:00 Dec 09, 2008
DOE O 327.1 DOE Directive DOE O 327.1, Furlough or Reduction in Force in the Senior Executive Service To establish requirements and assign responsibilities for furlough and reduction in force (RIF) of the Senior Executive Service (SES) in the Department of Energ... Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 2003051500:00:00 May 15, 2003
DOE O 328.1 DOE Directive DOE O 328.1, Human Capital Management Accountability Program The Order establishes requirements, roles and responsibilities for the Human Capital Management Accountability Program (HCMAP) for human resources programs and ... Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 2008080102:00:00 Aug 01, 2008
DOE O 329.1, Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 329.1, Admin Chg 1, Excepted Service Authorities for EJ and EK Pay Plans The order establishes requirements and responsibilities for the employment and compensation of individuals when using DOE expected service authorities. Admin Ch... Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 2012033000:00:00 Mar 30, 2012
DOE O 331.1C Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 331.1C Admin Chg 1, Employee Performance Management and Recognition Program The Order establishes requirements and responsibilities for the performance management program for all supervisory and non-supervisory employees other than thos... Order HR 2010101500:00:00 Oct 15, 2010
DOE O 341.1A DOE Directive DOE O 341.1A, Federal Employee Health Services The order establishes requirements and responsibilities for occupational medical, employee assistance, and workers' compensation programs for Federal employees.... Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 2007101800:00:00 Oct 18, 2007
DOE G 341.1-1A DOE Directive DOE G 341.1-1A, Guide on Federal Employee Occupational Medical Programs This Guide supplements the requirements and responsibilities specified in DOE O 341.1A, and provides preferred implementing methods and procedures. Cancels DOE... Guide HC - Office of Human Capital Management 2007101800:00:00 Oct 18, 2007
DOE G 341.1-2A DOE Directive DOE G 341.1-2A, Guide on Federal Employee Assistance Programs This Guide supplements the requirements and responsibilities specified in DOE O 341.1A. Cancels DOE G 341.1-2. Guide HC - Office of Human Capital Management 2007101800:00:00 Oct 18, 2007
DOE O 342.1 DOE Directive DOE O 342.1, Grievance Policy and Procedures This Order provides general requirements, instructions, and responsibilities for administering the Department of Energy's administrative grievance system. Canc... Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 2006020200:00:00 Feb 02, 2006
DOE O 350.1 DOE Directive DOE O 350.1, Chg 3, Contractor Human Resource Management Programs The purpose of this directive is to establish Department of Energy (DOE) responsibilities and requirements for the management and oversight of contractor Human ... Order MA - Office of Management 1996093000:00:00 Sep 30, 1996
DOE O 350.2B DOE Directive DOE O 350.2B, Use of Management and Operating or Other Facility Management Contractor Employees for Services to DOE in the Washington, D.C. Area To establish policies and procedures for management of Department of Energy (DOE), including National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), management and ope... Order MA - Office of Management 2011053100:00:00 May 31, 2011
DOE O 360.1C DOE Directive DOE O 360.1C, Federal Employee Training This Order establishes requirements and responsibilities for DOE Federal employee training in accordance with Chapter 41 of Title 5, United States Code (U.S.C.)... Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 2011070600:00:00 Jul 06, 2011
DOE O 361.1B DOE Directive DOE O 361.1B, Acquisition Career Management Program The order defines requirements and responsibilities for training, certification, and career development programs for the DOE acquisition workforce. Cancels DOE... Order MA - Office of Management 2008012400:00:00 Jan 24, 2008
DOE O 410.1 DOE Directive DOE O 410.1, Central Technical Authority Responsibilities Regarding Nuclear Safety Requirements The order establishes Central Technical Authority and Chief of Nuclear Safety/Chief of Defense Nuclear Safety responsibilities and requirements directed by the ... Order US 2007082800:00:00 Aug 28, 2007
DOE O 410.2 DOE Directive DOE O 410.2, Management of Nuclear Materials To establish requirements for the lifecycle management of DOE owned and/or managed accountable nuclear materials. Cancels DOE O 5660.1B. Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2009081700:00:00 Aug 17, 2009
DOE O 412.1A DOE Directive DOE O 412.1A, Work Authorization System To establish a work authorization and control process for work performed by designated site and facility management contractors, and other contractors as determ... Order MA - Office of Management 2005042100:00:00 Apr 21, 2005
DOE O 413.1B DOE Directive DOE O 413.1B, Internal Control Program This Order clarifies levels of responsibility and accountability within the Department of Energy. Cancels DOE O 413.1A. Order CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 2008102800:00:00 Oct 28, 2008
DOE O 413.2B Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 413.2B Admin Chg 1, Laboratory Directed Research and Development The order establishes DOE requirements for laboratory directed research and development (LDRD) while providing the laboratory director broad flexibility for pro... Order SC - Office of Science 2006041900:00:00 Apr 19, 2006
DOE O 413.3B DOE Directive DOE O 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets The purpose of this Order is to a) provide the Department of Energy (DOE) Elements, including the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), with program... Order MA - Office of Management 2010112900:00:00 Nov 29, 2010
DOE G 413.3-1 DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-1, Managing Design and Construction Using Systems Engineering for Use with DOE O 413.3A This Guide provides the Department of Energy's federal project directors with the methodologies and tools needed to plan, implement and complete assigned proje... Guide MA - Office of Management 2008092300:00:00 Sep 23, 2008
DOE G 413.3-2 DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-2, Quality Assurance Guide for Project Management This Guide provides acceptable approaches for implementing the Quality Assurance requirements and criteria of DOE O 413.3A related to the development and implem... Guide MA - Office of Management 2008062702:00:00 Jun 27, 2008
DOE G 413.3-3 DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-3, Safeguards and Security for Program and Project Management This Guide provides approaches for implementing security provisions within the functional areas contained in DOE O 413.3A, Program and Project Management for th... Guide MA - Office of Management 2007111502:00:00 Nov 15, 2007
DOE G 413.3-4A DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-4A, Technology Readiness Assessment Guide The Guide assists individuals and teams involved in conducting Technology Readiness Assessments (TRAs) and developing Technology Maturation Plans (TMPs) for the... Guide MA - Office of Management 2011091500:00:00 Sep 15, 2011
DOE G 413.3-5A DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-5A, U.S. Department of Energy Performance Baseline Guide This guide identifies key PB elements, development processes, and practices; describes the context in which DOE PB development occurs; and suggests ways of addr... Guide MA - Office of Management 2011092300:00:00 Sep 23, 2011
DOE G 413.3-6A DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-6A, High Performance Sustainable Building This Guide provides approaches for implementing the High Performance Sustainable Building (HPSB) requirements of DOE Order 413.3B, Program and Project Managemen... Guide MA - Office of Management 2011110900:00:00 Nov 09, 2011
DOE G 413.3-7A DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-7A, Risk Management Guide This Guide provides non-mandatory risk management approaches for implementing the requirements of DOE O 413.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisiti... Guide MA - Office of Management 2011011800:00:00 Jan 18, 2011
DOE G 413.3-9 DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-9, U.S. Department of Energy Project Review Guide for Capital Asset Projects This Guide addresses the various project reviews conducted during the life-cycle of a project based on the stage, complexity and duration of a project. This Gui... Guide MA - Office of Management 2008092302:00:00 Sep 23, 2008
DOE G 413.3-10A DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-10A, Earned Value Management System (EVMS) This Guide provides approaches for implementing the Earned Value Management System (EVMS) requirements of DOE O 413.3B. Cancels DOE G 413.3-10. Guide MA - Office of Management 2012031300:00:00 Mar 13, 2012
DOE G 413.3-12 DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-12, U.S. Department of Energy Project Definition Rating Index Guide This Guide assists individuals and teams involved in conducting assessments of project definition (i.e., how well front-end planning has been conducted to defin... Guide MA - Office of Management 2010072200:00:00 Jul 22, 2010
DOE G 413.3-13 DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-13, U.S. Department of Energy Acquisition Strategy Guide for Capital Assets Projects This Guide serves as a tool for federal project directors developing a project acquisition strategy document. No cancellation. Guide MA - Office of Management 2008072202:00:00 Jul 22, 2008
DOE G 413.3-15 DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-15, Department of Energy Guide for Project Execution Plans This directive provides guidance for the federal project director to produce a useful and flexible plan. No cancellation. Guide MA - Office of Management 2008091202:00:00 Sep 12, 2008
DOE G 413.3-16A DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-16A, Project Completion/Closeout Guide The guide provides nonmandatory approaches for implementing the requirements of DOE O 413.3B. Cancels DOE G 413.3-16. Guide MA - Office of Management 2011102600:00:00 Oct 26, 2011
DOE G 413.3-17 DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-17, Mission Need Statement Guide The guide supports DOE O 413.3A, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets, dated 7-28-06, by providing suggested content, definition... Guide MA - Office of Management 2008062002:00:00 Jun 20, 2008
DOE G 413.3-18A DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-18A, Integrated Project Team Guide for Formation and Implementation The guide provides detailed guidance of the preferred processes to form and implement an Integrated Project Team (IPT) in support of proper project execution as... Guide MA - Office of Management 2012020300:00:00 Feb 03, 2012
DOE G 413.3-19 Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-19 Admin Chg 1, Staffing Guide for Project Management This Guide provides an approach to determining the appropriate level and type of federal personnel needed to effectively plan, direct, and oversee project execu... Guide MA - Office of Management 2011101200:00:00 Oct 12, 2011
DOE G 413.3-20 DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-20, Change Control Management Guide The Guide provides a suggested approach and uniform guidance for managing project and contract changes through applying the requirements of DOE O 413.3B. No can... Guide MA - Office of Management 2011072900:00:00 Jul 29, 2011
DOE G 413.3-21 DOE Directive DOE G 413.3-21, Cost Estimating Guide This Guide provides uniform guidance and best practices that describe the methods and procedures that could be used in all programs and projects at DOE for prep... Guide MA - Office of Management 2011050900:00:00 May 09, 2011
DOE O 414.1D DOE Directive DOE O 414.1D, Quality Assurance The purpose of the Order is to ensure that DOE, including NNSA, products and services meet or exceed customers’ requirements and expectations. Cancels DOE O 4... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011042500:00:00 Apr 25, 2011
DOE G 414.1-1B DOE Directive DOE G 414.1-1B, Management and Independent Assessments Guide for Use with 10 CFR Part 830, Subpart A, and DOE O 414.1C, Quality Assurance; DOE M 450.4 -1, Integrated Safety Management System Manual; and DOE O 226.1A, Implementation of DOE Oversight Policy This Guide provides information on establishing processes for performing effective assessments. The revision to Guide reflects updated assessment practices, in... Guide HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2007092700:00:00 Sep 27, 2007
DOE G 414.1-2B Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE G 414.1-2B Admin Chg 1, Quality Assurance Program Guide This Guide provides information on principles, requirements, and practices used to establish and implement an effective Quality Assurance Program. Cancels DOE G... Guide HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011081600:00:00 Aug 16, 2011
DOE G 414.1-4 DOE Directive DOE G 414.1-4, Safety Software Guide for Use with 10 CFR 830, Subpart A, Quality Assurance Requirements, and DOE O 414.1C, Quality Assurance This Guide provides acceptable methods for implementing the safety software quality assurance requirements of draft DOE O 414.1C, Quality Assurance. Certified 1... Guide HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2005061700:00:00 Jun 17, 2005
DOE O 415.1 Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 415.1 Admin Chg 1, Information Technology Project Management The Order provides program and project management direction for the acquisition and management of IT projects, investments, and initiatives. Cancels DOE G 200.1... Order IM - Information Management 2012120300:00:00 Dec 03, 2012
DOE P 420.1 DOE Directive DOE P 420.1, Department of Energy Nuclear Safety Policy The purpose is to document the DOE's nuclear safety policy. Cancels SEN-35-91. Policy HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011020800:00:00 Feb 08, 2011
DOE O 420.1C DOE Directive DOE O 420.1C, Facility Safety The Order establishes facility and programmatic safety requirements for DOE and NNSA for nuclear safety design criteria, fire protection, criticality safety, na... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2012120400:00:00 Dec 04, 2012
DOE G 420.1-1A DOE Directive DOE G 420.1-1A, Nonreactor Nuclear Safety Design Guide for use with DOE O 420.1C, Facility Safety This Guide provides an acceptable approach for safety design of DOE hazard category 1, 2 and 3 nuclear facilities for satisfying the requirements of DOE O 420.1... Guide HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2012120400:00:00 Dec 04, 2012
DOE O 420.2C DOE Directive DOE O 420.2C, Safety of Accelerator Facilities The order defines accelerators and establishes accelerator specific safety requirements and approval authorities which, when supplemented by other applicable sa... Order SC - Office of Science 2011072100:00:00 Jul 21, 2011
DOE G 420.2-1 DOE Directive DOE G 420.2-1, Accelerator Facility Safety Implementation Guide for DOE O 420.2B, Safety of Accelerator Facilities This document is an aid to understanding and meeting the requirements of DOE O 420.2B, Safety of Accelerator Facilities, dated 7/23/04. It does not impose requ... Guide SC - Office of Science 2005070102:00:00 Jul 01, 2005
DOE G 421.1-2A DOE Directive DOE G 421.1-2A, Implementation Guide for Use in Developing Documented Safety Analyses to Meet Subpart B of 10 CFR 830 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 830, Subpart B, Safety Basis Requirements, requires the contractor responsible for a Department of Energy (DOE) ... Guide HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011121900:00:00 Dec 19, 2011
DOE O 422.1 DOE Directive DOE O 422.1, Conduct of Operations This Order defines the requirements for establishing and implementing Conduct of Operations Programs at Department of Energy (DOE), including National Nuclear S... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2010062900:00:00 Jun 29, 2010
DOE G 423.1-1A DOE Directive DOE G 423.1-1A, Implementation Guide for Use in Developing Technical Safety Requirements This Guide provides elaboration for the content of TSRs. Section 10 CFR 830.205 of the Nuclear Safety Management rule, requires Department of Energy (DOE) cont... Guide HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2010110300:00:00 Nov 03, 2010
DOE G 424.1-1B DOE Directive DOE G 424.1-1B, Implementation Guide for Use in Addressing Unreviewed Safety Question Requirements This Guide, including its attachments, provides information to assist in the implementation of Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 830.203, “Un... Guide HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2010040800:00:00 Apr 08, 2010
DOE O 425.1D DOE Directive DOE O 425.1D, Verification of Readiness to Start Up or Restart Nuclear Facilities The order establishes requirements for verifying readiness for startup of new Hazard Category 1, 2, and 3 nuclear facilities, activities, and operations, and fo... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2010041600:00:00 Apr 16, 2010
DOE O 426.1 Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 426.1 Chg 1, Federal Technical Capability To define requirements and responsibilities for meeting the Department of Energy (DOE) commitment to recruiting, deploying, developing, and retaining a technica... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2009111900:00:00 Nov 19, 2009
DOE O 426.2 DOE Directive DOE O 426.2, Personnel Selection, Training, Qualification, and Certification Requirements for DOE Nuclear Facilities The order establishes selection, training, qualification, and certification requirements for contractor personnel who can impact the safety basis through their... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2010042100:00:00 Apr 21, 2010
DOE O 430.1B Chg 2 DOE Directive DOE O 430.1B Chg 2, Real Property and Asset Management The directive establishes an integrated corporate-level, performance based approach to the life-cycle management of our real property assets. It links real pro... Order MA - Office of Management 2003092400:00:00 Sep 24, 2003
DOE G 430.1-7 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-7, Alternative Financing Guide This directive provides guidance for identification, planning and approval of alternatively-financed projects Guide MA - Office of Management 2012031200:00:00 Mar 12, 2012
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 1 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 1, Introduction The objective of this Guide is to improve the quality of cost estimates and further strengthen the DOE program/project management system. No cancellation. Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032800:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 2 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 2, Cost Estimation Package Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032800:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 3 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 3, Stages of Project Development Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032800:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 4 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 4, Types of Cost Estimates Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 5 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 5, Cost Codes and the Work Breakdown Structure Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 6 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 6, Project Functions and Activities Definitions for Total Project Cost Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 7 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 7, Direct/Indirect Costs Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 8 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 8, Startup Costs Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 9 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 9, Operating Costs Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 10 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 10, Escalation Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 11 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 11, Contingency Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 12 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 12, The Schedule Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 13 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 13, Check Estimates and Independent Costs Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 14 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 14, Project Controls Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 15 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 15, Estimating Methods Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 16 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 16, Example Cost Codes for Construction Projects Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 17 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 17, Example of Environmental Restoration Code of Accounts Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 18 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 18, Use of Cost Estimating Relationships Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 19 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 19, Data Collection and Normalization for the Development of Cost Estimating Relationships Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 20 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 20, Estimating Specialty Costs Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 21 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 21, Learning Curve Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 22 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 22, Cost Model and Cost Estimating Software Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 23 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 23, Life Cycle Cost Estimate Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 24 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 24, Activity Based Costing Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 25 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 Chp 25, Guidelines for Engineering, Design, and Inspection Costs Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 TOC DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 TOC, Table of Contents Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 App A DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 App A, Dictionary Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 App B DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 App B, References Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-1 App C DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-1 App C, Examples of Cost Estimation Packages Guide MA - Office of Management 1997032802:00:00 Mar 28, 1997
DOE G 430.1-2 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-2, Implementation Guide for Surveillance and Maintenance during Facility Transition and Disposition As DOE facilities complete mission operations and are declared excess, they pass into a transition phase that ultimately prepares them for disposition. The disp... Guide EM - Office of Environmental Management 1999092923:55:00 Sep 29, 1999
DOE G 430.1-3 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-3, Deactivation Implementation Guide As DOE facilities complete mission operations and are declared excess, they pass into a transition phase which ultimately prepares them for disposition. The dis... Guide EM - Office of Environmental Management 1999092923:55:00 Sep 29, 1999
DOE G 430.1-4 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-4, Decommissioning Implementation Guide The Department of Energy (DOE) faces an enormous task in the disposition of the nation's excess facilities. Many of these facilities are large and complex and c... Guide EM - Office of Environmental Management 1999090200:05:00 Sep 02, 1999
DOE G 430.1-5 DOE Directive DOE G 430.1-5, Transition Implementation Guide This Guide was prepared to aid in the development, planning, and implementation of requirements and activities during the transition phase at Department of Ener... Guide EM - Office of Environmental Management 2001042400:05:00 Apr 24, 2001
DOE O 433.1B DOE Directive DOE O 433.1B, Maintenance Management Program for DOE Nuclear Facilities The order defines the safety management program required by 10 CFR 830.204(b)(5) for maintenance and the reliable performance of structures, systems and compone... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2010042100:00:00 Apr 21, 2010
DOE G 433.1-1A DOE Directive DOE G 433.1-1A, Nuclear Facility Maintenance Management Program Guide for Use with DOE O 433.1B The guide provides acceptable approaches for implementing requirements for Nuclear Maintenance Management Programs (NMMPs) set forth in DOE O 433.1B. Cancels DO... Guide HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011091200:00:00 Sep 12, 2011
DOE P 434.1 DOE Directive DOE P 434.1, Conduct and Approval of Select Agent and Toxin Work at Department of Energy Sites The purpose of this policy is to establish the Departments expectations for the establishment and operation of DOE research laboratories utilizing select agents... Policy HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2009060500:00:00 Jun 05, 2009
DOE O 435.1 Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 435.1 Chg 1, Radioactive Waste Management The objective of this Order is to ensure that all Department of Energy (DOE) radioactive waste is managed in a manner that is protective of worker and public he... Order EM - Office of Environmental Management 1999070900:00:00 Jul 09, 1999
DOE N 435.1 DOE Directive DOE N 435.1, Contact-Handled and Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Packaging Provides specific instructions for packaging and/or repackaging contact-handled transuranic (CH-TRU) and remote-handled transuranic (RH-TRU) waste in a manner c... Notice EM - Office of Environmental Management 2011081500:00:00 Aug 15, 2011
DOE M 435.1-1 Admin Chg 2 DOE Directive DOE M 435.1-1 Admin Chg 2, Radioactive Waste Management Manual This Manual further describes the requirements and establishes specific responsibilities for implementing DOE O 435.1, Radioactive Waste Management, for the man... Manual EM - Office of Environmental Management 1999070900:00:00 Jul 09, 1999
DOE G 435.1-1 DOE Directive DOE G 435.1-1, Crosswalk Tables: DOE Order 5820.2A vs. DOE O 435.1/M 435.1-1 Guide EM - Office of Environmental Management 1999070902:00:00 Jul 09, 1999
DOE G 435.1-1 Appendix A DOE Directive DOE G 435.1-1 Appendix A, Technical Basis and Considerations for DOE M 435.1-1 ( Appendix A) Guide EM - Office of Environmental Management 1999070902:00:00 Jul 09, 1999
DOE G 435.1-1 Chapter 1 DOE Directive DOE G 435.1-1 Chapter 1, General Responsibilities and Requirements The material presented in this guide provides suggestions and acceptable ways of implementing DOE M 435.1-1 and should not be viewed as additional or mandatory ... Guide EM - Office of Environmental Management 1999070902:00:00 Jul 09, 1999
DOE G 435.1-1 Chapter 2 DOE Directive DOE G 435.1-1 Chapter 2, High-Level Waste Requirements Guide EM - Office of Environmental Management 1999070902:00:00 Jul 09, 1999
DOE G 435.1-1 Chapter 3 DOE Directive DOE G 435.1-1 Chapter 3, Transuranic Waste Requirements Guide EM - Office of Environmental Management 1999070902:00:00 Jul 09, 1999
DOE G 435.1-1 Chapter 4 DOE Directive DOE G 435.1-1 Chapter 4, Low-Level Waste Requirements Guide EM - Office of Environmental Management 1999070902:00:00 Jul 09, 1999
DOE O 436.1 DOE Directive DOE O 436.1, Departmental Sustainability The order defines requirements and responsibilities for managing sustainability DOE to ensure that the Department carries out its missions in a sustainable mann... Order EE - Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 2011050200:00:00 May 02, 2011
DOE O 440.1B Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 440.1B Chg 1, Worker Protection Program for DOE (Including the National Nuclear Security Administration) Federal Employees The Order establishes the framework for an effective worker protection program that will reduce or prevent injuries, illnesses, and accidental losses by providi... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2007051700:00:00 May 17, 2007
DOE G 440.1-1B DOE Directive DOE G 440.1-1B, Worker Safety and Health Program for DOE (Including the National Nuclear Security Administration) Federal and Contractor Employees This document was developed to assist the Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) Federal and contractor employees in effectively developing, managing, and... Guide HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011102000:00:00 Oct 20, 2011
DOE G 440.1-7A DOE Directive DOE G 440.1-7A, Implementation Guide for use with 10 CFR Part 850, Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program The Department of Energy (DOE) has established regulatory requirements for the Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program (CBDPP) in Title 10 of the Code of F... Guide HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2001010400:00:00 Jan 04, 2001
DOE O 440.2C Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 440.2C Admin Chg 1, Aviation Management and Safety To establish a policy framework that will ensure safety, efficiency and effectiveness of government or contractor aviation operations. Cancels DOE O 440.2B. Order MA - Office of Management 2011061500:00:00 Jun 15, 2011
DOE M 441.1-1 DOE Directive DOE M 441.1-1, Nuclear Material Packaging Manual The manual provides detailed packaging requirements for protecting workers from exposure to nuclear materials stored outside of an approved engineered contamina... Manual HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2008030700:00:00 Mar 07, 2008
DOE G 441.1-1C Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE G 441.1-1C Admin Chg 1, Radiation Protection Programs Guide for Use with Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 835, Occupational Radiation Protection Provides guidance for implementing the provisions of the functional areas contained in 10 CFR 835. The revision to the guide reflects changes in the June 2007 ... Guide HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2008051900:00:00 May 19, 2008
DOE O 442.1A DOE Directive DOE O 442.1A, Department of Energy Employee Concerns Program Cancels: DOE O 442.1 and DOE 5480.29 Order ED - Office of Economic Impact and Diversity 2001060600:00:00 Jun 06, 2001
DOE G 442.1-1 DOE Directive DOE G 442.1-1, Department of Energy Employee Concerns Program Guide DOE G 442.1-1 implements DOE O 442.1. Guide ED - Office of Economic Impact and Diversity 1999020100:00:00 Feb 01, 1999
DOE O 442.2 DOE Directive DOE O 442.2, Differing Professional Opinions for Technical Issues Involving Environment, Safety and Health The Order establishes the DOE Differing Professional Opinion process for employees to raise technical concerns related to environment, safety, and health which ... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011072900:00:00 Jul 29, 2011
DOE O 443.1B DOE Directive DOE O 443.1B, Protection of Human Research Subjects The order establishes Department of Energy (DOE) procedures and responsibilities for implementing the policy and requirements set forth in Title 10 Code of Fede... Order SC - Office of Science 2011031700:00:00 Mar 17, 2011
DOE O 450.2 DOE Directive DOE O 450.2, Integrated Safety Management The order ensures that DOE/NNSA, systematically integrates safety into management and work practices at all levels, so that missions are accomplished efficientl... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011042500:00:00 Apr 25, 2011
DOE P 450.4A DOE Directive DOE P 450.4A, Integrated Safety Management Policy The policy establishes DOE's expectation for safety, including integrated safety management that will enable the Department’s mission goals to be accomplished... Policy HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011042500:00:00 Apr 25, 2011
DOE G 450.4-1C DOE Directive DOE G 450.4-1C, Integrated Safety Management System Guide The guide provide DOE line management information useful for implementing the provisions of DOE P 450.4A and the requirements and responsibilities of DOE O 450.... Guide HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011092900:00:00 Sep 29, 2011
DOE O 451.1B Admin Chg 3 DOE Directive DOE O 451.1B Admin Chg 3, National Environmental Policy Act Compliance Program The order establishes DOE internal requirements and responsibilities for implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the Council on Environmenta... Order GC - Office of the General Counsel 2000102600:00:00 Oct 26, 2000
DOE O 452.1D DOE Directive DOE O 452.1D, Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Surety Program This Order provides requirements and responsibilities to prevent unintended/unauthorized detonation and deliberate unauthorized use of nuclear explosives. Can... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2009041400:00:00 Apr 14, 2009
DOE O 452.2D DOE Directive DOE O 452.2D, Nuclear Explosive Safety This Order establishes requirements to implement the nuclear explosive safety elements of DOE O 452.1D, Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Surety Program, for routine... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2009041400:00:00 Apr 14, 2009
DOE M 452.2-1A DOE Directive DOE M 452.2-1A, Nuclear Explosive Safety Manual This Manual provides supplemental details to support the requirements of DOE O 452.2D, Nuclear Explosive Safety. Cancels DOE M 452.2-1. Manual NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2009041400:00:00 Apr 14, 2009
DOE M 452.2-2 DOE Directive DOE M 452.2-2, Nuclear Explosive Safety Evaluation Processes This Manual provides supplemental details to support the nuclear explosive safety evaluation requirement of DOE O 452.2D, Nuclear Explosive Safety. Does not can... Manual NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2009041400:00:00 Apr 14, 2009
DOE O 452.3 DOE Directive DOE O 452.3, Management of the Department of Energy Nuclear Weapons Complex The Order defines and affirms the authorities and responsibilities of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) for the management of the Department o... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2005060800:00:00 Jun 08, 2005
DOE O 452.4B DOE Directive DOE O 452.4B, Security and Use Control of Nuclear Explosives and Nuclear Weapons This Order establishes requirements to implement the nuclear explosive security and use control elements of DOE O 452.1D, Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Surety (N... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2010012200:00:00 Jan 22, 2010
DOE O 452.6A DOE Directive DOE O 452.6A, Nuclear Weapon Surety Interface with the Department of Defense This Order establishes Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration requirements and responsibilities for addressing joint nuclear weapon a... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2009051400:00:00 May 14, 2009
DOE O 452.7 DOE Directive DOE O 452.7, Protection of Use Control Vulnerabilities and Designs The order establishes the policy, process and procedures for control of sensitive use control information in nuclear weapon data (NWD) categories Sigma 14 and S... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2010051400:00:00 May 14, 2010
DOE O 452.8 DOE Directive DOE O 452.8, Control of Nuclear Weapon Data The directive establishes the policy, process and procedures for control of nuclear weapon data to ensure that dissemination of the information is restricted to... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2011072100:00:00 Jul 21, 2011
DOE P 454.1 DOE Directive DOE P 454.1, Use of Institutional Controls The Policy ensures that the Department of Energy will use institutional controls in the management of resources, facilities and properties under its control, an... Policy HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2003040900:00:00 Apr 09, 2003
DOE G 454.1-1 DOE Directive DOE G 454.1-1, Institutional Controls Implementation Guide for Use with DOE P 454.1, Use of Institutional Controls This Guide provides information to assist Department of Energy program and field offices in understanding what is necessary and acceptable for implementing the ... Guide HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2005101400:00:00 Oct 14, 2005
DOE P 456.1 DOE Directive DOE P 456.1, Secretarial Policy Statement on Nanoscale Safety This Policy establishes a framework for working safely with nanomaterials. Certified 9-23-10. Policy HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2005091500:00:00 Sep 15, 2005
DOE O 456.1 Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 456.1 Admin Chg 1, The Safe Handling of Unbound Engineered Nanoparticles The order establishes requirements and assigns responsibilities for activities involving unbound engineered nanoparticles (UNP). Cancels DOE N 456.1. Admin Chg ... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011053100:00:00 May 31, 2011
DOE O 457.1 DOE Directive DOE O 457.1, Nuclear Counterterrorism The Order defines requirements for the protection of sensitive improvised nuclear device information and provides a framework to support DOE activities related ... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2006020700:00:00 Feb 07, 2006
DOE M 457.1-1 DOE Directive DOE M 457.1-1, Control of Improvised Nuclear Device Information This Manual is for OFFICIAL USE ONLY and will not be distributed on the Directives Portal. For distribution please contact Randall Weidman, 202-586-4582, intern... Manual NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2006081000:00:00 Aug 10, 2006
DOE O 458.1, Admin Chg 3 DOE Directive DOE O 458.1, Admin Chg 3, Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment The order establishes requirements to protect the public and the environment against undue risk from radiation associated with radiological activities conducted... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011021100:00:00 Feb 11, 2011
DOE O 460.1C DOE Directive DOE O 460.1C, Packaging and Transportation Safety The order establishes safety requirements for the proper packaging and transportation of DOE, including NNSA, offsite shipments and onsite transfers of radioact... Order EM - Office of Environmental Management 2010051400:00:00 May 14, 2010
DOE G 460.1-1 DOE Directive DOE G 460.1-1, Implementation Guide for Use with DOE O 460.1A, Packaging and Transportation Safety This Guide provides information concerning the use of current principles and practices, including regulatory guidance from the U. S. Department of Transportatio... Guide EM - Office of Environmental Management 1997060500:00:00 Jun 05, 1997
DOE G 460.1-1 Att DOE Directive DOE G 460.1-1 Att, Packaging and Transportation Attachments Attachments to DOE G 460.1-1 Guide EM - Office of Environmental Management 1997060502:00:00 Jun 05, 1997
DOE O 460.2A DOE Directive DOE O 460.2A, Departmental Materials Transportation and Packaging Management The Order establishes requirements and responsibilities for management of Department of Energy (DOE), including National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA),... Order EM - Office of Environmental Management 2004122200:00:00 Dec 22, 2004
DOE M 460.2-1A DOE Directive DOE M 460.2-1A, Radioactive Material Transportation Practices Manual This Manual establishes standard transportation practices for the Department of Energy, including National Nuclear Security Administration to use in planning an... Manual EM - Office of Environmental Management 2008060400:00:00 Jun 04, 2008
DOE G 460.2-1 DOE Directive DOE G 460.2-1, Implementation Guide for Use with DOE O 460.2 Departmental Materials Transportation and Packaging Management The purpose of this guide is to assist those responsible for transporting and packaging Department materials, and to provide an understanding of Department poli... Guide EM - Office of Environmental Management 1996111500:00:00 Nov 15, 1996
DOE O 461.1B DOE Directive DOE O 461.1B, Packaging and Transportation for Offsite Shipment of Materials of National Security Interest The purpose of this Order is to make clear that the packaging and transportation of all offsite shipments of materials of national security interest for DOE mus... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2010122000:00:00 Dec 20, 2010
DOE O 461.2 DOE Directive DOE O 461.2, Onsite Packaging and Transfer of Materials of National Security Interest The order prescribes requirements and responsibilities for identifying and mitigating undue risk of onsite transfers that are non compliant with U.S. Department... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2010110100:00:00 Nov 01, 2010
DOE O 462.1 DOE Directive DOE O 462.1, Import and Export of Category 1 and 2 Radioactive Sources and Aggregated Quantities This Order has been developed to provide requirements and responsibilities pertaining to the International Atomic Energy Agency CODEOC/2004, Code of Conduct on ... Order NA - National Nuclear Security Administration 2008111000:00:00 Nov 10, 2008
DOE P 470.1A DOE Directive DOE P 470.1A, Safeguards and Security Program The Safeguards and Security Program ensures that the Department of Energy efficiently and effectively meets all its obligations to protect Special Nuclear Mater... Policy HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2010122900:00:00 Dec 29, 2010
DOE O 470.3B DOE Directive DOE O 470.3B, Graded Security Protection (GSP) Policy This Order is classified as (Secret // RD // NOFORN) and will not be available on the Directives portal. For distribution, contact Gary White, 301-903-6874, ema... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2008081200:00:00 Aug 12, 2008
DOE O 470.4B Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 470.4B Admin Chg 1, Safeguards and Security Program The order establishes responsibilities and program planning and management requirements for the Safeguards and Security Program. Admin Chg 1, dated 2-15-13. Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011070100:00:00 Jul 01, 2011
DOE O 471.1B DOE Directive DOE O 471.1B, Identification and Protection of Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information The Order provides requirements and responsibilities for identifying and protecting the unauthorized dissemination of Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Informatio... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2010030100:00:00 Mar 01, 2010
DOE O 471.3 Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 471.3 Admin Chg 1, Identifying and Protecting Official Use Only Information The order establishes a program within DOE and NNSA to identify certain unclassified controlled information as Official Use Only (OUO) and to identify, mark, an... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2003040900:00:00 Apr 09, 2003
DOE M 471.3-1 Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE M 471.3-1 Admin Chg 1, Manual for Identifying and Protecting Official Use Only Information The manual provides detailed requirements to supplement DOE O 471.3. Admin Chg 1 dated 1-13-11. No cancellation. Manual HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2003040900:00:00 Apr 09, 2003
DOE O 471.5 DOE Directive DOE O 471.5, Special Access Programs This Order is for OFFICIAL USE ONLY and will not be distributed on the Directives' Portal. For distribution, please contact the Executive Secretary of the Spec... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011032900:00:00 Mar 29, 2011
DOE O 471.6, Admin Chg. 1 DOE Directive DOE O 471.6, Admin Chg. 1, Information Security The protection and control of classified information is critical to our nation’s security. This Order establishes requirements and responsibilities for Depart... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011062000:00:00 Jun 20, 2011
DOE O 472.2 DOE Directive DOE O 472.2, Personnel Security The Order establishes requirements for a successful, efficient and cost-effective personnel security program to ensure accurate, timely and equitable determinat... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011072700:00:00 Jul 27, 2011
DOE O 473.3 DOE Directive DOE O 473.3, Protection Program Operations The Order establishes requirements for the management and operation of the DOE Federal Protective Forces (FPF), Contractor Protective Forces (CPF), and the Phys... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011062900:00:00 Jun 29, 2011
DOE O 474.2, Admin Chg 2 DOE Directive DOE O 474.2, Admin Chg 2, Nuclear Material Control and Accountability This Order establishes performance objectives, metrics, and requirements for developing, implementing, and maintaining a nuclear material control and accountabi... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011062700:00:00 Jun 27, 2011
DOE O 475.1 DOE Directive DOE O 475.1, Counterintelligence Program The Order establishes Counterintelligence Program requirements and responsibilities for the Department of Energy, including the National Nuclear Security Admini... Order IN - Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 2004121000:00:00 Dec 10, 2004
DOE O 475.2A DOE Directive DOE O 475.2A, Identifying Classified Information The Order establishes the program to identify information classified under the Atomic Energy Act [Restricted Data (RD), Formerly Restricted Data (FRD), and Tran... Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2011020100:00:00 Feb 01, 2011
DOE O 481.1C Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 481.1C Admin Chg 1, Work for Others (Non-Department of Energy Funded Work) Work for Others is the performance of work for non-Department of Energy (DOE) entities by DOE/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and/or their respe... Order MA - Office of Management 2005012400:00:00 Jan 24, 2005
DOE M 481.1-1A Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE M 481.1-1A Chg 1, Reimbursable Work For Non-Federal Sponsors Process Manual This Manual provides detailed requirements to supplement DOE O 481.1B, Work For Others (Non-Department of Energy Funded Work), dated 9-28-01, which establishes ... Manual MA - Office of Management 2001010300:00:00 Jan 03, 2001
DOE G 481.1-1 DOE Directive DOE G 481.1-1, Work for Others Guide The Guide has been developed to assist Operations/Field Offices in developing their local WFO processes. No cancellation. Guide MA - Office of Management 1997092400:00:00 Sep 24, 1997
DOE O 483.1 DOE Directive DOE O 483.1, DOE Cooperative Research and Development Agreements To establish Department of Energy (DOE) policy, requirements, and responsibilities for the oversight, management, and administration of Cooperative Research and... Order GC - Office of the General Counsel 2001011200:00:00 Jan 12, 2001
DOE M 483.1-1 DOE Directive DOE M 483.1-1, DOE Cooperative Research and Developments Agreements Manual This Manual provides detailed requirements to supplement DOE O 483.1, DOE Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, dated 1-12-01, which establishes requ... Manual GC - Office of the General Counsel 2001011200:00:00 Jan 12, 2001
DOE O 484.1 Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 484.1 Admin Chg 1, Reimbursable Work for the Department of Homeland Security The Order establishes DOE policies and procedures for the acceptance, performance, and administration of reimbursable work directly funded by the Department of ... Order MA - Office of Management 2006081700:00:00 Aug 17, 2006
DOE M 515.1-1 DOE Directive DOE M 515.1-1, Advisory Committee Management Program The Manual provides detailed DOE requirements, responsibilities, processes, and procedures for the establishment, operation, and management of advisory committe... Manual MA - Office of Management 2007102200:00:00 Oct 22, 2007
DOE O 520.1A DOE Directive DOE O 520.1A, Chief Financial Officer Responsibilities The Order sets forth requirements for operating the Department of Energy in full compliance with the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 and sets standards for... Order CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 2006112100:00:00 Nov 21, 2006
DOE O 522.1 DOE Directive DOE O 522.1, Pricing of Departmental Materials and Services To set forth requirements for establishing prices and charges for materials and services sold or provided to external organizations, other Federal agencies, and... Order CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 2004110300:00:00 Nov 03, 2004
DOE O 523.1 DOE Directive DOE O 523.1, Financial Management Oversight The Order defines requirements for effective financial management and adherence to DOE and applicable external financial management requirements and sets forth ... Order CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 2006083100:00:00 Aug 31, 2006
DOE O 533.1 DOE Directive DOE O 533.1, Collection from Current and Former Employees for Indebtedness to the United States To prescribe the policy and procedures for collecting debts owed by current and former Department of Energy (DOE) and National Nuclear Security Administration (... Order CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 2003092600:00:00 Sep 26, 2003
DOE O 534.1B DOE Directive DOE O 534.1B, Accounting To prescribe the requirements and responsibilities for the accounting and financial management of the Department of Energy (DOE). Cancels DOE O 534.1A. Order CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 2003010600:00:00 Jan 06, 2003
DOE O 541.1B DOE Directive DOE O 541.1B, Appointment of Contracting Officers and Contracting Officer Representatives The Order established procedures governing the selection, appointment and termination of Department of Energy contracting officers and contracting officer repre... Order MA - Office of Management 2004042100:00:00 Apr 21, 2004
DOE O 542.2A DOE Directive DOE O 542.2A, Unsolicited Proposals The order sets forth Department of Energy (DOE) requirements and responsibilities for the receipt, processing, and review of unsolicited proposals (USPs). To en... Order MA - Office of Management 2002022700:00:00 Feb 27, 2002
DOE O 544.1 DOE Directive DOE O 544.1, Priorities and Allocations Program The Order establishes responsibilities for administration of the DOE and NNSA priorities and allocations program for industrial products, materials, and service... Order MA - Office of Management 2004101200:00:00 Oct 12, 2004
DOE P 547.1 DOE Directive DOE P 547.1, Small Business First Policy The Department of Energy (DOE) is committed to maximizing opportunities for small business contracts, including prime contracts and subcontracts, while driving ... Policy ED - Office of Economic Impact and Diversity 2012121400:00:00 Dec 14, 2012
DOE O 551.1D DOE Directive DOE O 551.1D, Official Foreign Travel The order establishes requirements and responsibilities governing official foreign travel by Federal and contractor employees. Order MA - Office of Management 2012040200:00:00 Apr 02, 2012
DOE O 552.1A Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 552.1A Admin Chg 1, Travel Policy and Procedures The Order supplements the Federal Travel Regulation as principal source of policy for Federal employee travel and relocation and establishes DOE M 552.1-1A, U.S... Order CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 2006021700:00:00 Feb 17, 2006
DOE M 552.1-1A DOE Directive DOE M 552.1-1A, U.S. Department of Energy Travel Manual The Manual supplements information in the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) by providing further clarification and establishing Department of Energy (DOE) policy ... Manual CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 2006021700:00:00 Feb 17, 2006
DOE O 580.1A, Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 580.1A, Admin Chg 1, Department of Energy Personal Property Management Program The order sets forth requirements for personal property management and accountability. Adm Chg 1 dated 10-22-12. Order MA - Office of Management 2012033000:00:00 Mar 30, 2012
DOE G 580.1-1 DOE Directive DOE G 580.1-1, Department of Energy Personal Property Management Guide This Guide provides nonregulatory guidance and information to assist DOE organizations and contractors in implementing the DOE-wide and site-specific personal p... Guide MA - Office of Management 2005120702:00:00 Dec 07, 2005
DOE M 205.1-3, Admin Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE M 205.1-3, Admin Chg 1, Telecommunications Security Manual For distribution, please contact Samuel Soley at 301-903-9992. Cancels DOE M 200.1-1. Admin Chg 12-20-12 Manual HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 2012122000:00:00 Dec 20, 2012
DOE O 2340.1C DOE Directive DOE O 2340.1C, Coordination of General Accounting Office Activities Cancels DOE O 2340.1B. Order CF - Office of the Chief Financial Officer 1992060800:00:00 Jun 08, 1992
DOE O 3731.1 Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 3731.1 Chg 1, Suitability, Position Sensitivity Designations, and Related Personnel Matters Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 1992070802:00:00 Jul 08, 1992
DOE O 3750.1 Chg 6 DOE Directive DOE O 3750.1 Chg 6, Work Force Discipline Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 1992082102:00:00 Aug 21, 1992
DOE O 3792.3 Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 3792.3 Chg 1, Drug-Free Federal Workplace Testing Implementation Program Order HC - Office of Human Capital Management 1992082102:00:00 Aug 21, 1992
DOE O 5480.30 Chg 1 DOE Directive DOE O 5480.30 Chg 1, Nuclear Reactor Safety Design Criteria Cancels paragraphs 8a and 8b of DOE 5480.6. Cancels DOE O 5480.6 in part. Certified 11-18-10. Order HS - Office of Health, Safety and Security 1993011900:00:00 Jan 19, 1993
DOE O 5639.8A DOE Directive DOE O 5639.8A, Security of Foreign Intelligence Information and Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities Cancels DOE 5639.8. Order IN - Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 1993072302:00:00 Jul 23, 1993
DOE O 5670.1A DOE Directive DOE O 5670.1A, Management and Control of Foreign Intelligence Cancels DOE 5670.1. Order IN - Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 1992011502:00:00 Jan 15, 1992
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DOE Mission Statement

The mission of the Department of Energy is to assure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.

Available online, the DOE Corporate Overview - 2012


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