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Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT)

OPDAT Mission: To develop and administer technical assistance designed to enhance the capabilities of foreign justice sector institutions and their law enforcement personnel, so they can effectively partner with the Department of Justice in combating terrorism, trafficking in persons, organized crime, corruption, and financial crimes.

OPDAT carries out justice sector institution building, including technical assistance and skills development support, to enhance foreign justice sector cooperation.

The rule of law and the rights of individuals are the cornerstones of any free society. Crime and misuse of the public trust undermine confidence in government and discredit free market economies. The effective and fair administration of justice offers to the state and its citizens the greatest protection from lawlessness and support for basic human rights, and, when extant in foreign countries, provides the U.S. with a stronger base of foreign cooperation in the fight against organized crime, illegal narcotics, and terrorism.

Established in 1991, OPDAT draws on Department of Justice resources and expertise to strengthen foreign criminal justice sector institutions and enhance the administration of justice abroad. OPDAT supports the United States and the Department's law enforcement objectives and priorities by preparing foreign counterparts to cooperate more fully and effectively with the United States in combating terrorism, trafficking in persons, organized crime, corruption, financial crimes, and other transnational crime. It does so by encouraging legislative and justice sector reform in countries with inadequate laws; by improving the skills of foreign prosecutors, investigators and judges; and by promoting the rule of law and regard for human rights.

For more information, visit the Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training website.