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U.S. Department of Justice

2013 Coordinated Tribal Assistance (CTAS)

Archived Grant Award Packages: FY 2012 CTAS Awards | FY 2011 CTAS Awards


Federally recognized Tribes may apply until 9:00 PM ET
on Tuesday, March 19, 2013 through the
Grants Management System (GMS).

Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) is now open to federally recognized Tribes and Tribal consortia. You can submit a single application and select from nine competitive grant programs. The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) is offering funding through Purpose Area #1: Tribal Resources Grant Program (TRGP) Hiring and Equipment/Training. While COPS’s FY 2013 appropriation is not yet finalized, we anticipate funding to be made available through Tribal grant programs administered by COPS to improve public safety and enhance community policing in federally recognized Tribal jurisdictions with established law enforcement agencies. Purpose Area #1 is designed to expand the implementation of community policing and meet the most serious needs of law enforcement in Tribal Nations through a broadened comprehensive program. The funding can be used to hire or re-hire career law enforcement officers and Village Public Safety Officers as well as procure basic equipment and training to assist in the initiation or enhancement of Tribal community policing efforts. FY 2013 CTAS reflects improvements and refinements from earlier versions based on your feedback during Tribal consultations and listening sessions, from a specially developed assessment tool about the application experience, and from written comments from applicants and grantees.

All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and to any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law.

Detailed information for FY2013 CTAS can be found at along with other helpful information and resources. You can access the open 2013 solicitation, as well as sample documents at The fillable templates and workbooks necessary for the submission of your application can be downloaded from GMS.

The COPS Office will continue to update our website and provide Tribes with information and resources that will help enhance the community policing efforts in Tribal Nations. You can find the CTAS Fact Sheet, COPS Allowable and Unallowable Costs, and the Indirect Cost Rate Fact Sheet below and on the Tribal Justice and Safety webpage.


Allowable and Unallowable Cost List Icon: PDF Document
Fact Sheet Icon: PDF Document
Indirect Cost Rate Fact Sheet Icon: PDF Document
Page Location:
Funding > Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation