Build a Bank of Knowledge

Encourage and support research, demonstration projects, and data collection to identify and confirm effective, evidenced-based approaches for serving people who experience homelessness.

Fund demonstration projects, with independent evaluators, to assess the impacts of innovative models like Housing First.

United Way of Merrimack Valley Housing First for Families Initiative Evaluation Reports:

Go to year 1 report  Go to year 2 report  Go to year 3 report

Conduct research to better understand homeless issues in your community and support local research efforts. This research can help generate momentum for community efforts to end homelessness.

Greater Twin Cities United Way: Principle funder of the Wilder Foundation’s triennial statewide survey: Homelessness in Minnesota.

Go to report

United Way of King County study of Homeless Street Populations

Go to report

United Way of Greater Los Angeles Homeless Cost Study

Go to report

Be a leader in collecting and disseminating information on homelessness in your community.

United Way of Coastal Fairfield County, lead agency for the Continuum of Care’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). 

Go to website

United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta, hosting Innovations Forum to highlight innovative practices for ending homelessness in the Southeast region.

Go to resource


To learn more, visit the other pages from our toolkit:

Housing is the Key

Recruit Partners and Make Deals

Think Upstream

Share the Vision

Be an Agent of Change

Follow the Money