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Common Errors in Electronic Submission

The lists below represent the most common errors applicants commit when preparing and submitting their proposal to NIFA via Grants.gov. If you have questions about submitting a proposal to NIFA via Grants.gov, please visit our Application Information page.

Proposal will not be accepted by Grants.gov

Proposal will not be accepted by NIFA

Proposal and/or award processing may be delayed


Proposal will not be accepted by Grants.gov

The Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) is not designated to submit applications on behalf on the organization.

An AOR must register with a credential provider so that Grants.gov can verify that they are who they say they are. Then, the person listed as the point of contact on the agency's Central Contractor Registration (CCR) (the e-business point of contact) must assign the "Agency Applicant" role in order for the person to be designated as an AOR. Once designated as an AOR, the AOR must register with Grants.gov. Only after completing all of these steps, will a person be able to submit an application. See the Grants.gov "Get Registered" for more information related to the Grants.gov registration process.

The Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number entered in the electronic application package is invalid or does not match the DUNS number that is registered with the Central Contractor Registry (CCR).

CCR is a government-wide registry for vendors doing business with the federal government. Grants.gov uses CCR to establish roles and IDs for those applying electronically for grants. CCR registration requires a DUNS number. If the DUNS number does not match the DUNS number that is registered with the CCR, the application will not be accepted. See the Grants.gov "Get Registered" for more information related to the Grants.gov registration process.


Proposal will not be accepted by NIFA

Files attached in the electronic application package are not in Portable Document Format (PDF).

NIFA will accept only PDF attachments (see Part III of the NIFA Grants.gov Application Guide). You may obtain PDF-generating software from the Grants.gov Download Software Web page. Submitted proposals that do not meet these requirements for PDF attachments will be returned without review. Submitted PDF documents must have 1-inch margins, line spacing of no less than six lines per inch, and typed or word processed using no type smaller than 12-point. Number each page of the attachment sequentially. Please note any page limitations for a given attachment, as indicated in the RFA.

Applicant submitted duplicate versions of the same application.

If an applicant submits duplicate versions of the same application to a single program, one of the applications will need to be rejected prior to review. Contact the national program leader (NPL) if you have submitted an application and intend to make changes, rather than submit a second application that may be rejected.

Application does not address the program priorities as indicated in the Request for Applications (RFA).

Applications must fall within one of the solicited priority areas for the specific program to which they apply. Program Priorities are stated within each Program Opportunity description Part I, of the RFA.

Application was submitted past the deadline date indicated in the RFA.

Electronic applications are due by 5 p.m., Eastern Time, on the date specified in the RFA.

Application is incomplete and does not contain the required information for review.

Although an applicant may have completed all of the required/mandatory forms and fields in the (basic, Grants.gov) electronic application package, NIFA may require additional documents for some programs. Documents that are required for submission are described in Part IV of the RFA and in Parts V and VI of the NIFA Grants.gov Application Guide.

Applicant is not eligible to submit an application in response to the RFA.

Eligibility information for each funding opportunity is stated in Part III, Eligibility Information, of each RFA.

Application exceeds the allowable funding request indicated in the RFA.

Most NIFA programs have mandatory funding limits for all applications. Refer to the program description in Part III and IV, of the RFA for funding restrictions for the program of interest.

Application exceeds the allowable page limit indicated in the RFA.

Page limitations are given for each PDF attachment in Part IV of the RFA. Applications exceeding the applicable page limitation may be returned without review.

Current and Pending Support information is not included, if required by the RFA.

Current and Pending Support information is required for personnel as outlined in the RFA. Current and Pending Support information must be attached as a single PDF document on the R&R Senior/Key Person Profile, Attach Current and Pending Support, field. A suggested template for the Current and Pending Support information can be found in our NIFA Frequently Asked Questions.

A Conflict of Interest List is not included, if required by the RFA.

A Conflict of Interest List must be provided for all competitive grant applications submitted to NIFA unless specified otherwise in the RFA. The Conflict of Interest List must be attached as a single PDF document on the NIFA Supplemental Information Form, Conflict of Interest List, in Field 8. A suggested template for the Conflict of Interest List can be found in our NIFA Frequently Asked Questions.


Proposal and/or award processing may be delayed

Program Code is not entered correctly in Field 2, as indicated in the RFA, on the NIFA Supplemental Information Form , Program to which you are applying.

It is extremely important that the Program Code and Program Code are spelled correctly and match the information provided in the RFA. If you have a question about which Program Code is appropriate for your application, please contact the NPL for that program.

Dollar amounts listed in the Research and Related (R&R) Budget and the PDF attachment in Field K, Budget Justification, are not in agreement.

All budget categories must be individually listed with costs in the same order as the R&R Budget in the Budget Justification attachment. The amounts listed in the Budget Justification attachment must match those in the R&R Budget.

Resubmitted application does not address the review from the previous submission.

This requirement only applies to "Resubmission"and "Resubmission Renewal"applications. Applicants must respond to the previous review panel summary on no more than one page, titled "Response to Previous Review."If desired, additional comments may be included in the text of the Project Narrative, subject to the page limitation of that section.

Question regarding the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is not properly addressed on the R&R Other Project Information, Fields 4a-c.

Environmental data or documentation is required to assist NIFA in carrying out its responsibilities under NEPA, which includes determining whether the proposed activity requires the preparation of an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement, or whether such activity can be excluded from this requirement on the basis on several categories. Most proposed activity will fall into one of the USDA or NIFA categorical exclusions. It is necessary for the applicant to advise NIFA whether the proposed activity falls into one of the following USDA or NIFA categorical exclusions, or whether the activity does not fall into one of these exclusions (in which case the preparation of an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement may be required).

Questions regarding the use of Human Subjects and Vertebrate Animals are not properly addressed on the R&R Other Project Information, Fields 1-2.

A number of situations encountered in the conduct of project require special assurances, supporting documentation, etc., before funding can be approved for the project. The performing organization is responsible for safeguarding the rights and welfare of human subjects and the humane care and treatment of live vertebrate animals used in any grant project supported with funds provided by NIFA.

