Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Representing the 1st District of California
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Military Academy Nominations



Thank you for your interest in the U.S. Service Academies. As your 1st District Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives, each year I have the privilege of nominating a limited number of people to four of the five service academies. The honor of attending a service academy comes with an obligation and commitment to serve in the military for a minimum of five years upon graduation. 

To request a nomination from my office please complete the form below and include the following items with your application packet:

  • Current Photo
  • High School/College Transcripts
  • ACT or SAT Assessment test results
  • Resume of extracurricular activities
  • An essay stating why you want to attend a military academy (500 words or less)
  • Three letters of recommendations

Please mail your completed nomination packet to my Oroville District office by October 31, 2013. Late application packets will not be accepted. 

Important dates to remember:

  • April 1, 2013 - Begin accepting nomination applications
  • October 21 - Deadline to receive nomination applications
  • December 14 & 15 - Interview with my Military Academy Selection Committee
  • Week of December 16 - Nomination announcements mailed out
  • January - May 2014 - Appointments announced by various Military Academies

For more information, please review my page of Frequently Asked Questions for those seeking a Military Academy Nomination. Best wishes to you as you pursue your goal of attending one of the U.S. Service Academies and serving our country.

To request a Military Academy Nomination form my office, please complete the form below.

indicates information that you need to provide.

Your Information
U.S. Citizen:

What are these options?
This is to help the constituents that are hard of hearing or use a video phone alert us to that fact so we can use the proper technology when we need to call them. The default option “Voice” is a normal audible telephone.

Education Information
Test Scores

SAT Scores

ACT Scores

Academy Information

Number your preference (1 to 4) of academies — with 1 being your highest preference

An appointment to the Service Academies is based on a desire by the candidate to devote a lifetime of military service and implies recognition by the appointee of an obligation to the government to devote him / herself to a military career. Are you interested in an appointment on that basis?

Additional Information

Is it okay to use your name in a press release after receiving a nomination or appointment?


Please include a list of your extra curricular activities and leadership responsibilities.

Print This Form

You can print and sign this form after you click the Generate Form button. The address information is located on this page and also on the print preview page.